Monday, October 27, 2014

Calories In Grapes & 9 Important Nutrition Facts You Should Know

Who doesn't know grapes, they are delicious fruit to eat. But there is a rumor for diabetics people, grapes is not allowed. Is that true? Each experts have their own opinion, but we also should learn a little to get the right information of it. Based on data, red or green grapes (European type) contained 69 calories in every 100 gr. Meanwhile, calories in every same size of Concord grapes, contained 67 calories. So, are grapes safe for diabetics people? Well, there is someone that already had the same question at, and they answered it is okay to eat grapes in small amount not more than three handfuls a day. 

Meanwhile, if we referred to site, they also said grapes are okay for diabetics. The reason is, fruits has a lot of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Fruit can also be a great substitute for high-fat desserts when you need to satisfy your sweet tooth. It can be eaten as a snack, a side dish, or may be a part of your main course. They also said that fruits are contained from natural sugar. The conclusion from our opinion, fruits are okay, but eat in the small portion. In addition, there are 9 important nutrition that you should know.

  1. Grapes has a lot of antioxidants such as anthocyanins, flavonols, geraniol, linalol, nerol and tannins. Antioxidants are the type that most recommended by scientists because it is a substance that is good for the body's defense against many types of diseases.
  2. Red grapes has a compound called resveratrol, touted as a substance that can reduce the body's cholesterol and protect the heart. This substance is used for reducing deposits in the blood vessels so that the risk of heart disease can be avoided.
  3. In every 1 gram of fresh grape skins contain 50 to 100 micrograms of resveratrol, depending on the type of grapes. This substance is also capable of eroding free radicals and helps the growth and repair of body tissues.
  4. Grapes in one meal dose contains about 92 international units (IU) of vitamin A that beneficial for eye health, 0.19 milligrams of vitamin E which is good for health skin and ward off free radicals, and 14.6 micrograms of vitamin K that helps maintain and normalize the viscosity / blood stagnation.
  5. Types of grapes and other berries that are dried, such as raisins, sultanas (dried grapes of this type is known in Arabia and Europe), and currants (similar as berries) also contains nutrients that many. For example, raisins have a lot of content of boron (natural borax), a type of mineral that serves to maintain bone strength.
  6. Grape juice cleanse dirt clods and launched urinating, increased fluid flow from the bile, and shed the remnants of disposal in the digestive tract. Grape juice also can clean the intestines and serves as a mild laxative.
  7. In a study also found that consumption of grape juice that does not peel can help eliminate infection of the mouth and throat.
  8. Flavonols in grape seeds help cure night blindness, retinal damage, and improving the quality of vision.
  9. Combined substances in wine may help heart health, reduce angina (heart seizure), and can normalize heart pressure.
If you wanna get more grapes nutrition info, you can check nutritional value of grapes based on USDA National Nutrient data base below.

Grapes, red or green
(European type, Thompson seedless),
Nutritive Value per 100 g,
ORAC Value 3,277 (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy69 Kcal3.5%
Carbohydrates18 g14%
Protein0.72 g1%
Total Fat0.16 g0.5%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber0.9 g2%
Folates2 µg0.5%
Niacin0.188 mg1%
Pantothenic acid0.050 mg1%
Pyridoxine0.086 mg7.5%
Riboflavin0.070 mg5%
Thiamin0.069 mg6%
Vitamin A66 IU3%
Vitamin C10.8 mg18%
Vitamin E0.19 mg1%
Vitamin K14.6 µg12%
Sodium0%1 mg
Potassium191 mg4%
Calcium10 mg1%
Copper0.127 mg14%
Iron0.36 mg4.5%
Magnesium7 mg2%
Manganese0.071 mg3%
Zinc0.07 mg0.5%
Carotene-α1 µg--
Carotene-ß39 µg--
Crypto-xanthin-ß0 µg--
Lutein-zeaxanthin72 µg--

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