Friday, September 19, 2014

10+ Magnificent Benefits of Plum, Nutrition Facts & Calories Content

Plum has about 2,000 varieties originating from various countries. In general, it turns out the fruit that has a latin name Prunus domestica has incredible nutritional content for health. In China, black plum varieties thrives in Zhejiand Province, Fujian, and Yunnan. In Chinese mythology, a plum is a special symbol which symbolizes wisdom, immortality, and resurrection. In China, black plum is used for the treatment of a number of diseases. Because, black plums contain a high source of vitamin C, malic acid, oxalic acid, and tannins. Although small and low in calories, but plums are a good source of iron for the body. A study conducted by experts from Annamalai University even mention plum extracts can improve hemoglobin.

Another study conducted at Father Muller Medical College said plums containing antineoplastic that can prevent cancer. Not only the fruit, even the stems, seeds, and leaves from plum tree is also a material that can be used to cure various diseases. Leaves of plum tree is used as an antibacterial ingredient that strengthens teeth and gums.

Plum is a source of lutein and zeaxanthin. Both of these pigments prevent muscle degeneration leading cause of vision loss. The content of vitamin A and antioxidants in plum, believed to ward off free radicals that damage cells and tissues that can injure eyes.

Experts from Florida State and Oklahoma State University conducted an experiment involving 100 women pascamenopouse. A total of 55 women were asked to consume 100 grams of prunes every day for 12 months, while the rest were asked to consume 45 grams of dried apples instead of plums. Each day, participants also take a supplement that contains 500 mg of calcium and vitamin D 400 IU. The analysis showed women who ate prunes has higher bone density at the spine and forearm bone, compared with those who ate apples.

Plums nutrition facts

Plums (Prunus domestica), fresh,
Nutrition value per 100 g.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy46 Kcal2.3%
Carbohydrates11.42 g8%
Protein0.70 g1%
Total Fat0.28 g1%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber1.40 g3.5%

Folates5 µg1%
Niacin0.417 mg3%
Pantothenic acid0.135 mg3%
Pyridoxine0.029 mg2%
Riboflavin0.026 mg2%
Thiamin0.028 mg2%
Vitamin A345 IU11.5%
Vitamin C9.5 mg16%
Vitamin E0.26 mg2%
Vitamin K6.4 µg5%

Sodium1 mg0%
Potassium157 mg3%

Calcium6 mg0.6%
Copper0.057 mg6%
Iron0.17 mg2%
Magnesium7 mg2%
Manganese0.052 mg2%
Phosphorus16 mg2%
Selenium1.0 µg2%
Zinc0.10 mg1%

Carotene-ß190 µg--
Crypto-xanthin-ß35 µg--
Lutein-zeaxanthin73 µg--

Benefits of plums

Plum fruit touted as having the effect of anti-hyperlipidaemic and anti-diabetic. Plum juice also has properties to relieve chronic diarrhea. Another study conducted at Father Muller Medical College shows that plum fruit contains anti-neoplastic useful for preventing cancer. Fruit is widely used as a cake topping is also recommended for those who suffer from anemia, renal lithiasis, biliary lithiasis, vitamin A deficiency, pregnant women, the elderly, or teenagers. The juice is also used in cosmetics because it can brighten the skin. Another amazing plums benefits for health are:
1. Maintain stable blood sugar levels remain normal
2. stimulates the kidneys
3. Has a mild laxative effect as
4. Good for digestion
5. Contains a high iron
6. Reduce the risk of urinary tract infections
7. Help prevent heart attacks
8. Helps regulate blood pressure
9. Lowering cholesterol levels
10. Effective for skin problems such as sunburn and eczema

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