Monday, November 10, 2014

High Purine Foods That Should Avoid For Uric Acid

Uric acid is the result of excessive consumption of purine substances, therefore we must know the purine content of the foods we eat. Purine is processed by the body into uric acid, but if excess uric acid levels, so the kidneys are unable to remove uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints. As a result the joints become painful, swollen and inflamed.

Uric acid is a disease of purine metabolic waste substances from the rest of the food we eat. Purine itself is a substance contained in any food that comes from living bodies. In other words, in the living body there is this purine substances, and because we eat living things, then these purine substances move on to our bodies. A variety of vegetables and fruits also contained purine. Purine also resulted from the destruction of body cells that occurs normally or because certain diseases. Usually uric acid attack in the elderly, because the buildup of purines.

List of foods that high in purine

Click to enlarge
Suggestion for gout sufferers:

  • Consumption of foods containing high potassium such as potatoes, yogurt, and bananas. 
  • Consumption of fruits that contain lots of vitamin C, such as oranges, papaya and strawberries. Examples of fruit and vegetables to treat gout: dragon fruit, starfruit, ginger, pumpkin, mustard greens, chicory, lemon grass and tomato. 
  • Increase consumption of complex carbohydrates such as rice, cassava, bread and potatoes. 
  • Reduce consumption of simple carbohydrates such as fructose type of sugar, candy, cotton candy, taffy and syrup. 
  • Do not take aspirin. 
  • Do not work too hard / fatigue. 
  • In people who are overweight (obese), uric acid levels usually rise but spending a little faster, then you should lose weight with exercise. 
  • Adjust energy intake with the body's needs, based on height and weight.
Dietary restrictions for gout sufferers: 
  • Vegetables: cauliflower, spinach, asparagus, beans, oyster mushrooms, cassava leaves, papaya leaves, kale 
  • Cheese, eggs, cream, ice cream, broth or gravy is thick 
  • Certain fruits such as durian, pineapple and coconut water 
  • Fried foods, containing coconut milk or cooked by using margarine / butter
  • Foods rich in protein and fat 
  • Viscera: kidney, spleen, tripe, intestines, liver, lung and brain 
  • Seafood: shrimp, squid, cuttlefish, clams, mussels, oysters, crabs, anchovies, sardines 
  • Extracts such as shredded meat and jerky 
  • Foods that are canned (example: corned beef, sardines) 
  • Mutton, beef, horse meat 
  • Ducks, geese and turkeys 
  • Legumes: soybeans (including processed products such as tempeh, tauco, oncom, soy milk), peanuts, green beans, bean sprouts, melinjo, chips

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Simple Natural Ways For Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss problems experienced by many people, in general due to the lack of sufficient nutrients and vitamins to the hair roots. The conclusion is the lack of hair treatment. Inadequate intake of nutrients and vitamins, making the hair roots become brittle and cause hair loss. Whereas if the hair loss occurs in women, it is caused by many things such as overuse of dryers and curling irons, frequent use of chemicals on the hair, a result of free radicals, often tying the hair too strong and other things that can disrupt healthy hair.

Some causes of hair loss:
  • Rarely in shampooing hair
  • Overuse of hair dryers and curling hair faster resulting in damaged
  • Hormone imbalance and hormone changes that lead to hair loss, especially for us who are over 30 years old
  • Too often hair coloring, which means that too often use chemicals on the hair
  • Stress that is too heavy, causing the nerves to force the hair root hair is getting weak and easily fall out.

Few steps to treat hair loss

  1. Do not tie your hair too tight. Avoid tying the hair tightly, hair ties that are too tight can pull the hair roots and weaken it. Avoid using heavy hair accessories. 

  2. Use conditioner. Too frequent shampooing is actually not good for your hair. The resulting natural oils to protect the scalp hair will be eroded by the shampoo. It would be better if you wash it once in 2 days and always use conditioner. Using conditioner purpose is to reduce frizz and eases the process of combing the hair after shampooing.

  3. Wide comb when wet. It would be better if you do not comb wet hair. Wet hair, has a more fragile roots. If you do not want to frizz, use a wide comb to avoid loss. Remember not to rub too hard when drying your hair with a towel. Gently pat the excess water until the hair is reduced.

  4. Use hair serum. Often use vise or hairdryer? So do not ever forget to use a hair serum specifically formulated as a hair protector of various hair styling tools. Use of serum is also necessary to protect hair from pollution and harmful effects of sunlight.

  5. Natural oil treatment. To get the hair strong, not easily broken and fall off, do natural treatments that have been proven from generation to generation. Use olive oil on your hair, coconut oil also has been proven to make hair healthy, strong and shiny. Do this treatment once a week and see the results.

Following tips may also help you.

  • Tips to prevent hair loss with aloe vera. Aloe vera contains vitamins and minerals, which is useful to enrich and thicken hair. To use, you can take aloe vera, cut into two parts to be taken the mucus. Apply on half dry hair while massaged. Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

  • Overcome hair loss using celery leaves. Celery turned out to have some useful content for the hair including calcium, iron, sodium, vitamins A and B. Celery can stimulate hair growth to be more healthy, strong and shiny. Take a few sticks of celery then clean, and blended with whipped egg. Once all mixed, apply gently on hair while gently massaged. Let stand for 20-30 minutes then rinse.

  • Olive oil and honey. In a container, mix 5 tablespoons olive oil and 2 tablespoons of honey, stir together. Then smear the mixture to the hair. Bandaged head with a shower cap, let stand about 15 minutes, then rinse. Do it at least once a week.

  • Avocado (for dry hair). Avocado is rich in fatty acids and nutrients. The trick, crushed avocado in a bowl, and stir until it becomes a thick paste. Then, wipe the hair from the roots to ends of hair. Then let stand for 20 minutes. After that, wash hair with shampoo, then rinse.

  • Hair loss treatment with green tea. Green tea contains antioxidants that are beneficial to protect hair from pollution exposure. Jasmine tea useful to make hair shiny. Mint tea beneficial for soothing the scalp and remove fat and reduce dandruff and itchy scalp. By brewing tea with hot water, and let stand overnight. Rub the tea water to the scalp, do just before shampooing.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

5 Benefits of Fasting For Health

Apparently, fasting provides a myriad of health benefits. Fasting can be therapeutic and prevention of various diseases caused by eating and lifestyle habits that are not healthy. Fasting has been used as a healing, the spiritual, religious, and purification for hundreds of years in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Eastern religions. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hippocrates, believed fasting therapy provides health benefits.

The secret behind the healing with fasting is, detoxification of excessive eating and exposure of the body of unwanted chemicals. Detoxification is the process of reducing and eliminating toxins from the body or change it as well as excessive mucus to revitalize the natural functions of the body. The poison can be in the form of nicotine and harmful drugs, air pollution, fat, cholesterol, and free radicals.

Nutrition experts the world defines fasting or starvation, as abstinence consume nutrients either totally or partially in the long term or short term. While the concept of fasting in Islam is substantially refrained from eating, drinking and sex began to dawn until sunset, accompanied by the intention. Therefore, fasting is different than regular starvation.

5 fasting health benefits

  • Lowering cholesterol levels. We all know that weight loss is one of the positive effects of fasting during Ramadan. A team of cardiologists in the United Arab Emirates found that fasting people enjoy the positive effects of the reduction of cholesterol in the blood. Low cholesterol increases heart health, so that one can reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attack, or stroke. What's more, if you follow a healthy diet after Ramadan, cholesterol levels can be lowered with ease.

  • Detoxifies the body. Fasting can detoxify the body of toxins that accumulate. During fasting, you can detoxify the digestive system in a month. When the body starts consuming fat reserves for energy, it will burn any harmful toxins that may be present in the fat deposits in your body.

  • Absorb more nutrients. During fasting, the metabolism will be more efficient, which means the amount of nutrients absorbed from food becomes larger. This is because an increase in a hormone called adiponectin, which is produced by a combination of fasting and dawn, allowing the muscle to absorb more nutrients. 

  • Weight control. Fasting makes it easier to lose weight. We do not need to do an extreme diet to lose a few pounds body weight. We just need to eat in moderation and keep eating healthy foods during fasting.

  • Improve the ability of the brain. Scientists in the U.S. found that fasting can increase derived neurotrophic factor from the brain, which encourages the body to produce more brain cells, so it can improve brain function. Similarly, a decrease in the amount of the hormone cortisol, which is produced by the adrenal glands, making a person can lower stress levels during and after Ramadan.

10 Health Benefits and Nutritional Value of Onion

We often find onions in a variety of dishes, but did you know the benefits and nutritional content of onions? Onions have a characteristic that is rich in thiosulfinat, sulfide, sulfur oxides and other sulfur-smelling mixture. Custeine ​​Sulfur Oxides which was instrumental in the onion flavor and produce substances that make pain in the eyes. Thiosulfinates produce anti-bacterial substance. Onion is effective against many bacteria including: Bacillus subtilis, Salmonella, and E. coli. Onions garlic is not as hard as her sulfur content is approximately a quarter rather than garlic.

Onions have a variety of benefits of treatment. The earliest inhabitants of the Americas, using wild onions to treat colds, coughs, and asthma, and to repel insects. In Chinese medicine, onions have been used to treat sore throats, coughs, bacterial infections and respiratory problems.

The World Health Organization (WHO) supports the use of onions to improve poor appetite and prevent constriction of blood vessels. In addition, onion extracts are recognized by WHO for help treat coughs and colds, asthma and bronchitis. Onions are known to reduce airway spasms. An onion extract is known to reduce shortness of breath due to allergic asthma patients.

Onion nutritional value

Onions are a very rich source of frukto-oligosaccharides. These oligomers stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria bifidobacteria and suppress the growth of harmful bacteria in the large intestine. In addition, they can reduce the risk of tumors developing in the colon. The highest onion nutrition is vitamin C, which reach 12% of our RDA. Onion also contain several other vitamins and minerals that you can read below.

Onoin (Allium cepa),  raw,
Nutrition value per 100 g.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy40 Kcal2%
Carbohydrates9.34 g7%
Protein1.10 g2%
Total Fat0.10 g0.5%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber1.7 g4.5%
Folates19 µg5%
Niacin0.116 mg1%
Pantothenic acid0.123 mg2.5%
Pyridoxine0.120 mg9%
Riboflavin0.027 mg2%
Thiamin0.046 mg4%
Vitamin A2 IU0%
Vitamin C7.4 mg12%
Vitamin E0.02 mg0%
Sodium4 mg0%
Potassium146 mg3%
Calcium23 mg2%
Copper0.039 mg4%
Iron0.0.21 mg3%
Magnesium10 mg2.5%
Manganese0.129 mg5.5%
Phosphorus29 mg4%
Zinc0.17 mg 1.5%
Carotene-beta1 µg--
Cryptoxanthin-beta0 µg--
Lutein-zeaxanthin4 µg--

10 amazing onion health benefits

  1. Against cancer. Onions are rich in sulfide compounds, are efficacious protects body cells against tumor growth.

  2. Controlling blood glucose levels. Eating onions can help reduce blood glucose levels. Onions contain allyl-propyl-disulfide and chromium that helps increase the production of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps the body's absorption of glucose by the cells.

  3. Prevent blood clots. Onions contain anti-clotting substance. The content of sulfur in onions efficacious to prevent blood clots.

  4. Helps digestive system. Onions contain dietary fiber that helps digestion. Onions also contain a prebiotic that encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria (probiotics) in the digestive system that helps the digestive function.

  5. Protect against allergies. Onions are rich in quercetin, an antioxidant that is known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic.

  6. Maintain brain health. Onions contain a lot of vitamin B complex such as pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folate and thiamin which is an important nutrient for the brain and play a role in preventing neurological disorders.

  7. Strengthen bones. Onions contain several important nutrients that maintain bone density in the form of minerals like copper, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

  8. Strengthen network connector. Sulfur contained in onions useful in the formation of connective tissue.

  9. Strengthen immunity. Onions are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, quercetin, and manganese minerals are highly efficacious in curing fever and influenza.

  10. Reduce risk of hypertension. Onions contain a substance called allicin, which maintain the flexibility of blood vessels to maintain blood pressure remains normal.

Yogurt Calories, Nutrition And Amazing Benefits For Beauty

Yogurt benefits for beauty is not as popular as the health benefits, but yogurt nutrition also has beauty benefits such as acne treatment, dark circle, dry skin and more. In addition, you should not worry about yogurt calories. Yogurt is low in calories, because calories in every 100 gr of yogurt (mostly) not more than 100 calories (depends on brands).

What is yogurt?

Some of people know what yogurt is, but mostly they never know what is yogurt made from. Yogurt is milk made through bacterial fermentation. Yogurt can be made from any milk, including soy milk. Modern production is currently dominated by dairy cows. Fermentation of the milk sugar (lactose) produces lactic acid that plays a role in milk protein to produce a gel-like texture and a unique flavor to yogurt. Yogurt is available in a wide range of flavors, natural flavors, fruit flavors, vanilla, or chocolate flavors are also popular.

Yogurt calories each types

(calories in yogurt below are in the same weight, 100 gr)
  1. Calories in Chobani 0% No-Fat Plain Greek Yogurt: 59 calories
  2. Calories in Chobani 0% No-Fat Strawberry Greek Yogurt: 82 calories
  3. Calories in Chobani 2% Low-Fat Plain Greek Yogurt: 76 calories
  4. Calories in Chobani 0% No-Fat Vanilla Greek Yogurt: 71 calories
  5. Calories in Chobani 0% No-Fat Blueberry Greek Yogurt: 82 calories
  6. Calories in carob-coated frozen Yogurt: 244.3 calories, 102.3 Calories from fat
  7. Calories in lowfat milk frozen yogurt (chocolate): 113.6 Calories, 17.5 calories from fat

Greek Yogurt (Nonfat) Nutritional Value based on USDA

6 yogurt benefits for beauty

  • To moisturize dry skin: Banana mask has long been used to treat dry skin naturally. In order to obtain optimal results, you can use yogurt and honey as a traditional herb dry skin care. How to make: Blend one banana, then mix with honey and yogurt so that it becomes a pasta. Apply evenly to face and let sit 30 minutes before rinsing with cold water.
  • Clean the dead skin cells naturally: Of course you already know using cucumber facials, and it turns out, the combination of cucumber with yogurt can be used and safe for skin health. Grate the cucumber and mix with yogurt and use as a face mask for 10-30 minutes.
  • Benefits of yogurt for getting rid black spots: Black spots caused by acne or due to aging can certainly disrupt your beautiful appearance. Chamomile oil mixed with yogurt as a natural whitening cream can remove the black spots. Use 2 times a week to keep your skin clean.
  • Prevent wrinkles on the face: Wrinkles on the face is one of the signs of aging. However, you can delay the appearance of wrinkles with a mixture of yogurt and olive oil. Mix 4 tablespoons of yogurt with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Stir until smooth and use this mixture as a natural mask for 30 minutes.
  • Eliminate dark circles under the eyes: Generally, these problems arise because of lack of sleep due to the high activity that requires you to stay up. By applying yogurt in the black area when going to sleep, it can eliminate the dark circles. Wash your face in the morning and repeat in one week until the dark color is completely gone.
  • Benefits of yogurt to get rid of acne: There are many natural ways to overcome the problem of acne, lemon has bacteria-fighting properties. Combination of lime fruit with yogurt could be a potent remedy acne removal. Combine the two ingredients until a lotion, then apply on the acne facial area.
For another yogurt benefits for health you can read it here.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Calories In Tomato & Beneficial Nutrition Facts

Tomato rich in nutrient, especially vitamins like vitamin A and C which reach 28% and 21.5% of our RDA. In addition, tomato also low in calories, so for you who on diet, tomatoes are safe to consume. Most of the calories contained in tomatoes, derived from carbohydrates contained therein. In a medium-size tomatoes stored about 7 grams of carbohydrates and 2.2 grams of fiber. Below you can read calories content in each type of tomato, but first lets talk about nutritional value of tomato and short benefits of it.

Tomatoes are known to have a very high content of lycopene, which is an anti-oxidant that very good for the prevention of cancer, especially prostate cancer. Lycopene is also believed to protect the body from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, increase fertility in men, and help your body remain nimble, younger, and healthier.

tomato calories and nutrition facts

However, you are advised to not eat tomatoes in large amounts continuously. In the UK, there was the case of a woman that routinely consume tomato juice up to 2 liters per day. But the woman should instead be treated in a hospital, because in her body has excess lycopene substance. Lycopene substance should be converted into vitamin A, but because there's too much, the body can not change them all at once and finally being harmful toxins.

As we mentioned above, other important vitamins in tomatoes is Vitamin C. Based on research, the content of vitamin C in tomatoes is higher than that contained in oranges. As we know that Vitamin C is an essential substance that is needed by the body because it can increase the immune system, fight infection and is a very powerful antioxidant. Unlike the Lycopene that insoluble in water, Vitamin C is a water-soluble substance that is not going to be a deadly poison to the body because the excess will be discharged with urine.

Tomato calories and complete nutrition facts

  • Calories in fresh tomato per 100 gr is 18 calories
  • Calories in canned tomato sauce per 100 gr is 24 calories
  • Calories in crushed canned tomato per 100 gr is 32 calories
  • Calories in condensed canned tomato soup per 100 gr  is 60 calories
  • Calories in Heinz tomato ketchup per 100 gr is 133 calories
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), raw,
Nutrition value per 100 g.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy18 Kcal1%
Carbohydrates3.9 g3%
Protein0.9 g1.6%
Total Fat0.2 g0.7%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber1.2 g3%
Folates15 µg4%
Niacin0.594 mg4%
Pyridoxine0.080 mg6%
Thiamin0.037 mg3%
Vitamin A833 IU28%
Vitamin C13 mg21.5%
Vitamin E0.54 mg4%
Vitamin K7.9 µg6.5%
Sodium5 mg>1%
Potassium237 mg5%
Calcium10 mg1%
Iron0.3 mg4%
Magnesium11 mg3%
Manganese0.15 mg6.5%
Phosphorus24 mg3%
Zinc0.17 mg1.5%
Carotene-ß449 µg--
Carotene-α101 µg--
Lutein-zeaxanthin123 µg--
Lycopene2573 µg--

Carbohydrate content in tomato will not cause a significant increase in blood sugar, it is because tomatoes are known to have a low glycemic index. Consume more foods that have a low glycemic index are known to lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes. While the fiber contained in tomatoes is very good to help lower blood cholesterol levels, stabilize blood sugar, and prevent constipation.

The content of protein and fat in tomatoes practically very little. Therefore, the tomato is not a good source of protein and fat. As is known, the function of the protein in the body is to produce new cells and maintain muscle mass. While the fat, in addition to functioning as a source of energy, fat also helps the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Easiest Ways To Make Natural Laxatives At Home

If there are few easy ways to make natural laxatives to get rid of constipation, would you try it? Indeed there are few drugs that you can buy to cure it, but too often treat constipation with chemical drugs also have side effects that are not good. In addition, natural laxative has relatively lesser side effects than chemical laxatives.

So, what are laxatives? Laxatives, also known as clyster is a form of medicine, or food compounds that have the ability to induce bowel movements, especially in the case of constipation. They can also be used for the purpose of cleaning the colon cleansing and digestive tract. Some foods that displays laxative properties can also be combined to speed up or improve their effectiveness.

Laxatives can be consumed or available in the form of suppositories (inserted into the body through the rectum). Natural laxative comes in the form of vegetables, fruits and other compounds. They work by loosening dirt and if taken in high doses can also cause diarrhea. 

Below are, few ways to relieve constipation using natural homemade laxatives.
  • Aloe vera: Besides beneficial for the hair and treating wounds, aloe vera also acts as a laxative. Sap of the aloe vera leaf, is a strong intermediate cleaning. However, aloe vera quite strong laxative content that called anthraquinone, can sometimes cause diarrhea and intestinal cramps. That is why, should be used with caution. It is better to consult with a herbalist or naturopathic. In addition, aloe vera is rich with chemical constituents such as aloin, barbaloin, isobarbaloin, aloe-emodin, and aloesin. 
    How to make: Half of aloe vera stems washed thoroughly. Then dispose of the skin. Chopped it, then pour half a cup of hot water. Add a tablespoon of honey. While warm eaten twice a day. Note: The herb is not intended for pregnant women, menstruation, and diarrhea.

  • Saline solution: Salt can be used as a natural alternative to laxatives. In addition to overcoming constipation, laxatives of salt can also be used as a traditional drug for colds and respiratory infections.
    How to make a laxative from saline solution: Boil two liters of water and let stand until cool. Mix two tablespoons of sea salt to the water. Drink a mixture of salt and water. For added flavor, you can add lemon or lemon if needed. Wait a moment until the laxative started working. Make sure you are near a bathroom because salt laxative will begin work shortly after drinking.

  • Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.): Noni (another name Great  orinda, Indian mulberry, beach mulberry, and cheese ruit) is referred to as miracle fruit. Because, many benefits can be gained from the Morinda citrifolia. Noni fruit contains alkaloids triterpenoids. In addition, Noni also contains morindon which is a red dye and efficacious as a laxative.
    How to make it: Two ripe noni fruit washed and shredded. Add a little salt. Stir until blended. Then strain and drink twice a day.

  • Yogurt: Yogurt works as a natural laxative that good for some people. Mixed of yogurt with sugar will increase laxative effect.

  • Carrot juice mixed with tomato juice: Mix ¼ cup of carrot juice with 1 cup of tomato juice and consumed three times a day.

  • Orange juice and olive oil: Mix half a cup of orange juice with half a cup of olive oil and drink this mixture twice a day.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Surprising Benefits Of Peanuts For Health, Especially To Reduce Cancer Risk

Do not ever underestimate benefits of peanuts for health, because peanuts nutrition has ability to reduce and stabilize cholesterol levels in the blood, lowering the risk of heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, and prevent potential protection from cancer and inhibit tumor growth. There is a myth about peanut that fattening, but after you read this, the myth is just a myth. Research have shown that peanuts can prevent weight gain if consumed regularly every day. So snacking peanuts certainly a smart choice when on a diet!

Nuts are foods that contain high levels of satiety, so as stated in a study published in The Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism. Dr. Richard Mattes, Professor of Nutritional Sciences at Purdue University, said the satiety value of peanuts is not solely a result of fat, fiber, or protein, but the synergy of all the components.

Peanuts rich in fat, which contains high protein, iron, vitamin E and calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B complex, vitamins A and K, lecithin, choline and calcium. Protein content in peanuts is much higher than that of meat, eggs and soya beans. High fiber content in peanuts is very good for the smooth functioning of the intestine. Peanuts can help lower the risk of colon cancer and against the formation of gallstones. Based on nutrient contents on peanuts, below are summaries of the health benefits of peanuts.

11 amazing peanuts health benefits

  1. Reduce risk of heart disease: Numerous studies have shown that consumption of nuts regularly associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. Nuts are rich in heart-friendly monounsaturated fats and antioxidants such as oleic acid. Grabbed a handful of peanuts and other nuts at least four times a week to reduce the risk of cardiovascular and coronary heart disease.

  2. Reduce depression: Peanuts contain a lot of tryptophan, an essential amino acid that is important for the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical involved in mood control. When depression occurs, less serotonin is released from nerve cells. Tryptophan may enhance the antidepressant effects of serotonin in the event of an increase in the amount of serotonin in the blood.

  3. Reduce risk of cancer: Peanuts contain phytosterol called beta-sitosterol which help prevent the growth of tumors. A form of phytosterol called beta-sitoserol (SIT) is found in high concentrations in some plant oils, grains, and legumes, including peanuts. Phytosterols not only protects against heart disease by blocking the absorption of cholesterol, they also protect against cancer by inhibiting tumor growth.

  4. Helps maintain fetus health: Peanuts contain lots of folate, which is known to be very beneficial for the health of the fetus and to prevent birth defects.

  5. Help prevent gallstones: Research conducted over 20 years have shown that eating one ounce of nuts, peanuts or peanut butter a week lowered the risk of developing gallstones by 25%.

  6. Helps control blood glucose: Peanuts contain the mineral manganese, which is known to play a role in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, calcium absorption and blood glucose control.

  7. Nourish the brain and prevent Alzheimer's disease: Peanuts contain vitamin B3 or niacin is known to help improve brain memory. Niacin also serves to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

  8. Help improve fertility: Peanuts contain a good amount of folic acid. Research has shown that women who have a daily intake of 400 micrograms of folic acid before and during early pregnancy reduces the risk of having a baby born with a serious neural tube defects by 70%.

  9. Help build muscle: Peanuts contain useful protein to build muscle especially on those in its infancy. Protein also in metabolism to produce energy.

  10. Strengthen bones and teeth: Peanuts contain calcium which is needed for the formation of bones and teeth healthy and strong.

  11. Prevent anemia: Peanuts contain iron which is very important in the formation of red blood cells. Lack of iron can cause anemia.
So, we hope with short 11 benefits of peanuts above will break the myths that maybe you trust.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

15 Effects Of Smoking That Should Know

Everyone knows about effects of smoking, there are also so many public service ads that gives advice to quit smoking. But for smokers, they sometimes assume, breathing disorders is a reference of the effects of smoking. So if they do not cough and shortness of breath, they still continue to smoke. Though the side effects of smoking not only affects the respiratory tract. It seems they have to "give up" before quitting.

Actually, the war against cigarettes has been done by many people individually as well as institutional and organizational. And on each of May 31 whole world celebrates or the World No Tobacco Day campaign. Keep in mind, that the World No Tobacco Day is a member of the World Health Organization-WHO. So, we can be sure the dangers of smoking is indeed true and not a joke.

Well, before we talk about the effects of smoking, let's see the reasons why smoking is harmful to health. The point is, let's look at cigarettes harmful substances that cause health problems in each cigarette puff.

  • Nicotine. This substance containing opium could lead to addiction, the effects on the human body: lead to addiction / dependence, damage the brain tissue, cause rapid blood clot, harden artery walls.
  • Tar. The manufacture of asphalt that can be attached to the lungs and can cause irritation and even cancer, the effect on the human body: kill cells in the bloodstream, increasing the production of mucus in the lungs and lead to lung cancer.
  • Carbon monoxide. Gas that can cause heart disease because it can bind oxygen gas in the body, the effect on the human body: bind hemoglobin (making the body lacks oxygen), blocking transport in the blood.
  • Carcinogenic substances. Influence on the human body: Trigger the growth of cancer cells in the body
  • Irritant substances.  Pollute the airways and air sacs in the lungs, causing coughing

Below are side effects caused by smoking are rarely publicized:

  1. Skin Cancer. Smoking does not cause melonoma, but smoking can lead to increased likelihood of dying from the disease. It alleged that, smokers at risk of developing cutaneous squamus cancer cell, a type of cancer that leave patches on the skin.
  2. Heart disease. One in every three deaths in the world due to cardiovascular disease. Tobacco use is one of the biggest risk factors for this disease. Smoking causes more rapid heart rate, increase the risk of hypertension and clogged arteries and eventually lead to heart attack or stroke.
  3. Cancer. Cigarette smoke contains 40 kinds of carcinogenic substances. The possibility of lung cancer in smokers 22 times greater; tongue, mouth, salivary glands, pharynx and 6-7 times greater, esophageal cancer 12 times greater, esophagus 8-10 times greater (WHO, 2002).
  4. Gastric ulcer. Tobacco consumption, lowered resistance to the bacteria that cause stomach ulcers, also minimizes the ability of the stomach to neutralize stomach acid after eating so it will undermine the stomach wall. Gastric ulcers in smokers is more difficult to cure.
  5. Uterine cancer. Smoking can increase the risk of cervical and uterine cancer. This cancer can be caused by nicotine in the blood. Because cigarette smoke that enters the body will soon spread to the entire body. Substance nicotine in cigarette smoke will trigger abnormal cell growth which later became the source of the advent of cervical cancer cells.
  6. Psoriasis. Development of psoriasis / noncotageous inflammation of the skin that leaves a watery and itchy red patches 2-3 times more common in smokers.
  7. Beurger disease. Disease that also known as throaboanginosis obliterans is inflammation in the arteries veins and nerves that lead to inhibition of the main leg blood flow and if left untreated will lead to gangrene (death of cells) so patients need to be amputated.
  8. Disklori on fingers. Tar contained in tobacco smoke accumulates on the fingers and nails that yellow and brown leaves.
  9. Hair loss. Smoking weakens the immune system, making the body more vulnerable to diseases such as lupus erythematosus causes hair loss, mouth sores, and eruption cutan (red spots) on the face, scalp and hands.
  10. Hearing loss. Because tobacco cause deposition on the walls of blood vessels thereby inhibiting the rate of blood flow to the inner ear. Smokers could lose early than people that do not smoke or easier losing on hearing loss due to infection. 
  11. Osteoporosis. There is carbon monoxide, which is toxic chemicals that lot of found in car exhaust and cigarette smoke is more easily tied in the blood of oxygen, so the ability of air to remove oxygen down 15% in smokers, as a result of people that smoke lose bone density become more brittle / cracking and healing 80% longer.
  12. Caries. Smoking affects the chemical balance in the mouth, forming plaque excessive, make teeth become yellow, and occur caries.
  13. Emphysema. Emphysema is dilation and destruction of air sacs in the lungs that reduce lung capacity to inhale CO2 and release oxygen.
  14. Skin wrinkles. Smoking can cause premature aging of the skin due to damage to proteins that are useful for maintaining skin elasticity, erosion of vitamin A, and inhibition of blood flow. Smokers skin becomes dry and wrinkled lip and eye area especially.
  15. Cataracts. Smoking is believed to worsen the condition of the eyes. Cataracts, namely bleaching eyepiece that blocks the entry of light that can cause rates of blindness, 40% occur in smokers. Smoking can cause cataracts by irritating the eye with the release of chemicals in the lungs by the bloodstream kemata brought up.


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Calories In An Egg At Breakfast Enough To Give You Energy

An egg not only generate power, but also loaded with protein. Do you know how many calories in an egg? In this post we will try to give you eggs calories in each types of cooking method. Eat eggs at breakfast to curb your appetite. Egg contains about 330 calories and can be "live" at all day. Tip: Fried eggs in a nonstick frying pan to get a healthy egg. Dab a small amount of oil in a skillet for a crispy egg without a lot of fat.

According to myrecipes site, egg combination is a healthy breakfast that you can choose. Egg also included in 1500 calories diet method, where at breakfast you eat two pieces of wheat bread, two boiled eggs without the yolk, or one slice of low-fat cheese, and a glass of nonfat milk. This diet is successful because it will not make you hungry and tormented. With 1500 calories diet, this amount is enough to make you stay energized, keep your immune system, as well as keeping the calorie-burning muscle. You also will not feel tired, sick, or hungry.

Eggs calories in each cooking types

  • Calories in an egg white 1 egg white serving contained 12 kCal
  • Calories in a boiled egg medium sized (57g) contain 84 kCal
  • Calories in a fried egg (60gr) contain 107 kCal
  • Calories in a poached egg (50gr) contain 74 kCal
  • Calories in egg scrambled with milk (120gr - 2 eggs) contain 296 kCal
  • Calories in a hard boiled egg (large size about 1.8 oz), contain 78 calories
  • Calories in fried egg without added fat (large size about 1.8 oz), contain 78 calories
Quote from livestrong site:
The calories you’ll get from an omelet increase as the eggs pick up some of the fat you use in the pan, so use as little fat as possible. For example, a plain, two-egg omelet has about 43 more calories than two raw eggs. As a general guideline, plan on getting 188 calories from two large, whole eggs cooked into an omelet. They also contain 12.9 grams of complete protein, which is 28 percent of women’s recommended daily allowance, and 23 percent of men’s. You can also count on getting at least 10 percent of your recommended daily allowance of iron, folate and vitamins A, D and B-12.
Below are benefits of included eggs at breakfast:
  • Eggs can increase your energy in the morning, and help you to live all-day activity. Egg yolks have fat that can be both a source of energy. For best results, try the poached eggs for breakfast.
  • Eggs are a source of protein that gives strength to your body. Egg white has a protein called albumin, if taken in the morning can help your body absorb more protein than any other food that you consume. If you exercise, egg whites also help muscle growth.
  • Breakfast is two eggs can make you feel full until lunch time. This sense of satiety potent making you stay away from unhealthy snacks. 
  • Eggs have nutrients that can boost brain power. Eggs contain choline, a nutrient that may stimulate the brain, thus improving memory and cognitive power. Therefore, eggs are also very good for consumption by children as a nutritious breakfast menu.


9+ Simple Ways For Heartburn Remedies You've Probably Never Know

There are various ways that you can do to relieve heartburn, but if there is a simplest ways to get rid of it, do you wanna try? Heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest or a stinging pain in the chest accompanied by a bad taste in the mouth caused by backflow - stomach acid up into the esophagus. Heartburn often occurs in pregnant women. Based on several studies, there is a saying that 50 to 80 percent of heartburn in pregnant women at the third trimester. One thing to remember, heartburn has nothing to do with the fetus. So as not to cause anything or to give effect to the fetus.

There are so many drugs that you can use to overcome heartburn due to stomach acid, is sold in pharmacies and some of them can be bought without prescription. But if they can be overcome by natural ways, why we use drugs? Especially for pregnant women who are vulnerable to drugs, should be more careful.

Drugs may be able to fix quickly this acid reflux. However, the effect is usually short-lived and does not help to prevent further. For most people, a little adjustment of diet and lifestyle changes are the best solutions to overcome them. Below are some simple heartburn remedies by changing your life style.

Simple Ways For Heartburn Remedies

  1. Eat little but often
    Eat small but frequent amounts, reducing the workload for the stomach and acid secretion for digestion even less. In other words, do not overeat.

  2. Include complex carbohydrates in every meal
    These foods such as rice, oatmeal, whole wheat bread and pasta, are able to bind excess stomach acid and are often easy to fill the stomach.

  3. Do not always decide to drink milk
    You may have to try drinking milk to ease stomach acid quickly before bed. But milk often causes stomach acid up during sleep. Be aware, excess stomach acid can come from eating too much at dinner. Milk can fix it quickly, but eventually encourage secretion of gastric acid. Try eating a piece of whole wheat toast or a small bowl of oatmeal instead.

  4. Eat more ginger
    This herb has been used for centuries in Asian cultures as a natural remedy to overcome stomach problems.

  5. Eat parsley
    Parsley is not just used as decoration dish. This herb also helps digestive problems.

  6. When it occurs at bedtime.
    When heartburn occurs the night, try to stop eating at least two hours before bedtime. Elevate your head with extra pillows.

  7. Lose weight if overweight
    A 2006 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that obese people with a body mass index (BMI) between 25-30, two times more likely to experience heartburn. Obese individuals with a BMI over 30, three times the risk of experiencing heartburn.

  8. Avoid fried foods
    High-fat foods in the stomach longer silent, thus causing gastric acid secretion needs more to digest.

  9. Avoid beverages that trigger heartburn
    Some beverages seem to trigger heartburn more frequently, including coffee, tea, caffeinated sodas, carbonated soda, and alcohol. The worst of all is beer, which can double stomach acid within an hour.

There is also a simple way to relief heartburn by chewing gum, a study in the Journal of Dental Research showed that chewing gum for 30 minutes after eating can reduce complaints GERD (Gastro Esophagial Reflux Disease). Reflux is another term for acid reflux. Rebecca Moazzez, DPhil from King's College London, who led the study, said that chewing gum can stimulate saliva release rate. Acid that accumulates in the stomach washed and clean more quickly. Acid rapidly lost, reduced GERD symptoms. However, the best way is prevent it, not treat it.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Is It True Calories In Banana Make You Fat? Read The Facts!

Bananas indeed quite high in calories, but there are so many nutrients content in banana that more important than calories content in it. An  exercise physiologist and nutritionist, Martica Heaner said, if you consume about 10 bananas, there are about 1,000 calories, you could be fat. However, most likely you will not be able to eat 10 bananas at once. 1-2 bananas is enough to make you feel full.

Bananas do have fat, but only a little, and is a good kind of fat. Not only that, bananas also have a bit of protein, as well as other ingredients, such as vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, and lots of vitamin B. Bananas are a snack that contains carbohydrates, potassium, and magnesium, which can be lost during a hard workout session. So, if eaten after exercise, can restore the lost energy and electrolytes. Plus, each piece of banana, there are 3 grams of fiber. This will give a sense of satiety.

Bananas beneficial to the body because it can help overcome heartburn, providing instant energy, a cure for constipation, drunk, and helps control blood pressure and stress. Well, if banana contains so many nutrients for the body, then why bananas can make you fat?

As said by Martica Heaner above, consuming too many bananas every day, it can make you gain weight. Therefore, if you are likes consuming this fruit, you are obliged to restrict it. It is recommended you should eat two bananas a day to keep your body fit and healthy. Do not eat more than three pieces of banana if you want to get instant energy, because glycogen that produced after eating bananas will be stored in the liver, so it turned into body fat. Banana fruit is included free of fat, but it contains sugar levels high enough so that it can make you gain weight.

Bananas can make you fat if you are not exercising. The accumulation of fat, because the calorie content of bananas are pretty high. Now, therefore, if you eat a banana is better directly followed by a 15 minute walk to burn off the fat from the banana. To avoid gaining weight from too much eating bananas, you'll want to reduce the sugar intake from other fruits on a regular basis. If you still want to eat a banana, you should consume two bananas in the morning with milk to burn calories. So, ready to eat banana and get the benefits?

Monday, October 27, 2014

Calories In Grapes & 9 Important Nutrition Facts You Should Know

Who doesn't know grapes, they are delicious fruit to eat. But there is a rumor for diabetics people, grapes is not allowed. Is that true? Each experts have their own opinion, but we also should learn a little to get the right information of it. Based on data, red or green grapes (European type) contained 69 calories in every 100 gr. Meanwhile, calories in every same size of Concord grapes, contained 67 calories. So, are grapes safe for diabetics people? Well, there is someone that already had the same question at, and they answered it is okay to eat grapes in small amount not more than three handfuls a day. 

Meanwhile, if we referred to site, they also said grapes are okay for diabetics. The reason is, fruits has a lot of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Fruit can also be a great substitute for high-fat desserts when you need to satisfy your sweet tooth. It can be eaten as a snack, a side dish, or may be a part of your main course. They also said that fruits are contained from natural sugar. The conclusion from our opinion, fruits are okay, but eat in the small portion. In addition, there are 9 important nutrition that you should know.

  1. Grapes has a lot of antioxidants such as anthocyanins, flavonols, geraniol, linalol, nerol and tannins. Antioxidants are the type that most recommended by scientists because it is a substance that is good for the body's defense against many types of diseases.
  2. Red grapes has a compound called resveratrol, touted as a substance that can reduce the body's cholesterol and protect the heart. This substance is used for reducing deposits in the blood vessels so that the risk of heart disease can be avoided.
  3. In every 1 gram of fresh grape skins contain 50 to 100 micrograms of resveratrol, depending on the type of grapes. This substance is also capable of eroding free radicals and helps the growth and repair of body tissues.
  4. Grapes in one meal dose contains about 92 international units (IU) of vitamin A that beneficial for eye health, 0.19 milligrams of vitamin E which is good for health skin and ward off free radicals, and 14.6 micrograms of vitamin K that helps maintain and normalize the viscosity / blood stagnation.
  5. Types of grapes and other berries that are dried, such as raisins, sultanas (dried grapes of this type is known in Arabia and Europe), and currants (similar as berries) also contains nutrients that many. For example, raisins have a lot of content of boron (natural borax), a type of mineral that serves to maintain bone strength.
  6. Grape juice cleanse dirt clods and launched urinating, increased fluid flow from the bile, and shed the remnants of disposal in the digestive tract. Grape juice also can clean the intestines and serves as a mild laxative.
  7. In a study also found that consumption of grape juice that does not peel can help eliminate infection of the mouth and throat.
  8. Flavonols in grape seeds help cure night blindness, retinal damage, and improving the quality of vision.
  9. Combined substances in wine may help heart health, reduce angina (heart seizure), and can normalize heart pressure.
If you wanna get more grapes nutrition info, you can check nutritional value of grapes based on USDA National Nutrient data base below.

Grapes, red or green
(European type, Thompson seedless),
Nutritive Value per 100 g,
ORAC Value 3,277 (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy69 Kcal3.5%
Carbohydrates18 g14%
Protein0.72 g1%
Total Fat0.16 g0.5%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber0.9 g2%
Folates2 µg0.5%
Niacin0.188 mg1%
Pantothenic acid0.050 mg1%
Pyridoxine0.086 mg7.5%
Riboflavin0.070 mg5%
Thiamin0.069 mg6%
Vitamin A66 IU3%
Vitamin C10.8 mg18%
Vitamin E0.19 mg1%
Vitamin K14.6 µg12%
Sodium0%1 mg
Potassium191 mg4%
Calcium10 mg1%
Copper0.127 mg14%
Iron0.36 mg4.5%
Magnesium7 mg2%
Manganese0.071 mg3%
Zinc0.07 mg0.5%
Carotene-α1 µg--
Carotene-ß39 µg--
Crypto-xanthin-ß0 µg--
Lutein-zeaxanthin72 µg--

Friday, October 24, 2014

12 Vitamin C Foods Besides Oranges

Do you know another source of vitamin C besides oranges? In fact, there are several vitamin c foods from fruits or vegetables that higher than oranges. There are about 21 kinds of fruits that contain vitamin C which is enough to meet your daily vitamin C needs. Most people consider, the source of vitamin C contained in oranges only. Even in some cases, some people who do not want to meet the consumption of vitamin C, because they do not like oranges fruit.

Vitamin C requirement is different for each person, depending on their living habits. In teenagers, these habits such as smoking, drinking coffee, or alcoholic beverages, the consumption of certain medications such as anti-seizure medications, tetracycline antibiotics, anti-arthritis, sleep medicine, and oral contraceptives. Smoking habits eliminates 25% of vitamin C in the blood. In addition to other compounds that affect nicotine as bad is caffeine. Besides stress, fever, infection, and exercise also increases the need for vitamin C.

Below RDA for vitamin C based on data.
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for Vitamin C 
Age Male Female Pregnancy Lactation
0–6 months40 mg*40 mg*
7–12 months50 mg*50 mg*
1–3 years15 mg15 mg
4–8 years25 mg25 mg
9–13 years45 mg45 mg
14–18 years75 mg65 mg80 mg115 mg
19+ years90 mg75 mg85 mg120 mg
SmokersIndividuals who smoke require 35 mg/day
more vitamin C than nonsmokers.

Foods high in vitamin C besides oranges

  • Vitamin C content in guava
    The content of vitamin C in guava twice more than in sweet orange. If oranges has 54 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams, then the guava contained about 108 milligrams per 100 grams. The fruit is beneficial for weight loss, prevent skin breakouts, lower cholesterol, and treat diarrhea. Guava is a fruit with the highest vitamin C content.
  • The content of Vitamin C in Kiwi
    Vitamin C in the kiwi apparently proportional to the amount of vitamin C in guava. The content of vitamin C in the kiwi is 100 milligrams per 100 grams. kiwi Including fruits containing high vitamin c. This fruit has health benefits for preventing heart disease and hypertension, treat symptoms of impotence, and maintain stamina. Other properties is able to maintain healthy skin and is suitable as a nutrient for pregnant women.

  • Vitamin C in Longan
    The content of vitamin C in the Longan about 84 milligrams per 100 grams, still higher than the oranges. Levels of vitamin C on Longan, making this fruit including fruit rich in vitamin C. One of the benefits of this fruit is to cure insomnia.
  • Vitamin C in Papaya
    Levels of vitamin C in papaya, can be different in different reference. But do not worry, because still the average content of vitamin C in papaya is two times more than oranges. Papaya fruit has benefits to reduce the accumulation of fat in the body, helping the process of protein digestion, and improve sperm quality.
  • Vitamin C in Red Paprika
    The content of vitamin C in red paprika about 190 milligrams of 100 grams, four times more than oranges. But the red paprika are not classified as a fruit that can be eaten like oranges. Because red paprika better known as cooking ingredients or composition of a mixed diet. So it is still better fulfillment oranges for immediate consumption. Usefulness of red pepper can prevent cataracts in the eye.
  • Vitamin C in broccoli
    The content of vitamin C in broccoli was 118 milligrams per 100 grams. Like red paprika, broccoli is a vegetable. Broccoli has health benefits for cancer prevention, detoxification, prevent stomach disorders, and prevent heart disease. Other properties are able to care for the skin, and prevent anemia.
  • Vitamin C in cabbage
    The content of vitamin C in cabbage is 160.8 milligrams per 2 cups. Means every one cup contains at least 80.4 milligrams of vitamin C. Cabbage has health benefits can prevent cancer. It also can prevent thrush because it contains vitamin C.
  • Vitamin C in strawberries
    The content of vitamin C in strawberries is 56.7 milligrams per 100 grams, 8 consumption of strawberries every day it will fulfill the needs of vitamin C daily. Health benefits of strawberries such as teeth whitening and as a natural acne remedy.
  • Vitamin C in Cauliflower
    On cauliflower, its vitamin C content reached 50 milligrams per 100 grams, similar to the content of vitamin C in cabbage. Cauliflower has benefits to prevent the occurrence of cancer, such as colon cancer, breast cancer, and tumors.
  • Vitamin C in Tomatoes
    The content of vitamin C in tomatoes is 34 milligrams per 100 grams.
  • Vitamin C in Chili
    The content of vitamin C in chili about 84 milligrams per 100 grams, chili has a spicy flavor, so it is rarely eaten straight especially in a dose of 100 grams.
  • The content of Vitamin C in apples
    The content of vitamin C in apples is 5 milligrams in 100 grams. Apple has benefits to detoxify the body, stabilize the body's immunity, and reduce the body's allergic.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Calories In Blueberries, Nutritional Value & 11 Amazing Benefits

Blueberries are included in the berry family has the sweetest flavor, also includes one of the fruits that are low in calories. Not to mention the nutritional content of blueberries that provide many health benefits. Blueberries are one of the healthiest fruits on the planet. Blueberries beat other fruits and other vegetables because of its antioxidant content. This makes blueberries as one antidote to damage cells in the body that contributes to the symptoms of heart attack and cancer incidence. Research on rats mention that rats consuming this fruit becomes more focused and smarter than mice that did not eat it.

Fruit that has a Latin name Vaccinium spp, contains a variety of nutrients, for example, some minerals (manganese, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, and zinc), vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, as well as carbohydrates and fats. The content of manganese and vitamin K on Blueberry fruit is quite high, the chemical element manganese is an anti-inflammatory. Its function can indirectly facilitate blood flow and improve memory.

Calories in bluberries and nutrition facts

Like what we have mentioned above, bluberries are low in calories. There are only 16 calories in every 1 oz fresh bluberry fruit, meanwhile calories in every unsweetened frozen bluberries with the same size contains 14 calories. The highest calories content available in blueberry muffins which has 79 calories in every 1 oz. Below you can read detail nutritional value.
Blueberries (Vaccinium spp)
ORAC Value 5562,
Nutrition Value per 100 g.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy57 Kcal3%
Carbohydrates14.49 g11%
Protein0.74 g1%
Total Fat0.33 g1%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber2.4 g6%
Folates6 µg1.5%
Niacin0.418 mg2.5%
Pantothenic acid0.124 mg2.5%
Pyridoxine0.052 mg4%
Riboflavin0.041 mg3%
Vitamin A54 IU2%
Vitamin C9.7 mg1.5%
Vitamin E0.57 mg4%
Vitamin K19.3 µg13%
Sodium1 mg0%
Potassium77 mg2%
Calcium6 mg0.5%
Iron0.28 mg3.5%
Magnesium6 mg1.5%
Manganese0.336 mg14%
Zinc0.16 mg1.5%
Carotene-ß32 µg--
Lutein-zeaxanthin80 µg--

Blueberries health benefits

  • Healthy heart. Blueberries contain ingredients that are good for heart health. With the consumption of five or six pieces each week, will help lower the risk of developing a heart attack.
  • Lowering blood sugar. Blueberry fruit is a fruit with a low glycemic index, which is good for blood sugar regulation, particularly for those with diabetes. Consumption of these five fruits every day, and you will feel the positive benefits to the body.
  • Prevent cancer. With diligent eating half a cup of blueberry juice every day, its anthocyanin content can prevent cancer.
  • Preventing infection in the urinary tract. Such as cranberries, blueberries are also good for preventing bacterial or bladder infection. 
  • To lose fat in the abdomen. With polyphenol ingredients found in them, nutritious blueberries reduce excess fat around the stomach and reduce problems in the body's metabolism. Due to the low calorie content, the fruit is good to eat for you who are undergoing a diet program. 
  • Treating cellulite. Raw blueberries contains four grams of fiber. Fiber is in it more easily absorbed than water though. 
  • Good for the bones. Material containing manganese blueberries good for the bones so powerful in strengthening bones and you will avoid the risk of loss.
  • Increase endurance. According to a study, blueberries turned out to contain more antioxidants than other fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants are good for the immune system, by neutralizing the free radicals caused by toxins or cigarette. The antioxidant benefits resulting from pigment-producing blue color in blueberries. 
  • Brain stimulation. Diligently eating blueberries can make the brain work more actively and more clever. The study also said that the habit of eating blueberries can improve memory in later life. 
  • Good for dry skin. In the realm of beauty, blueberry donate one other important benefits, which smoothes skin texture. The trick is simple, mix two teaspoons of brown sugar and blueberries with three tablespoons of lemon juice. 
  • Helped sharpen vision. Consumption of two blueberries every day will avoid yourself from the risk of decreased vision in the eye due to increasing age.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

19 Foods High In Potassium (Potassium Rich Foods Besides Banana)

Potassium is an electrolyte that your body needs so your body stay energized. Eating foods containing high potassium can also lower blood pressure. According to the study, an increase in potassium helps the kidneys excrete salt and water from the body that help lower blood pressure and thus reduce the risk of stroke. One of the biggest problems of fast food is high in sodium and low in potassium. In fact studies show that increasing potassium and reducing sodium intake can reduce the risk of stroke by 21 percent and also the risk of heart disease.

Potassium is a mineral that protects blood vessels from oxidative damage and keep it from thickening. Adults need 4,700 milligrams of potassium each day. Even so, too much potassium can also be detrimental to health.

Based on wikipedia, A potassium intake sufficient to support life can in general be guaranteed by eating a variety of foods. Clear cases of potassium deficiency (as defined by sympt0ms, signs and a bel0w-n0rmal bl00d level of the element) are rare in healthy individuals. Foods rich in potassium include parsley, dried apricots, dried milk, chocolate, various nuts (especially almonds and pistachios), potatoes, bamboo shoots, bananas, avocados, soybeans, and bran, although it is also present in sufficient quantities in most fruits, vegetables, meat and fish.

Potassium Recommended Dietary Intake
The Food and Nutrition Center of the Institute of Medicine has established the following recommended dietary intakes for potassium:
  • 0 - 6 months: 0.4 grams a day (g/day)
  • 7 - 12 months: 0.7 g/day
Children and Adolescents
  • 1 - 3 years: 3 g/day
  • 4 - 8 years: 3.8 g/day
  • 9 - 13 years: 4.5 g/day
  • 14 - 18 years: 4.7 g/day
  • Age 19 and older: 4.7 g/day
Women who are producing breast milk need slightly higher amounts (5.1 g/day). Ask your doctor what amount is best for you.

Foods high in potassium

  1. Milk
    Milk was allegedly also a good source of potassium. In one bowl, milk contains 382 potassium.
  2. Orange juice
    A total of 3/4 cup of orange juice contains 355 mg of potassium. In addition, orange juice is also a source of calcium, folate, and some vitamin B.
  3. Calabash
    Calabash or opo squash, bottle gourd or long melon is low in calories with fiber and vitamin A that high. Not only that, half a bowl of fruit also contains 448 mg of potassium.
  4. Fish
    Fish such as halibut and tuna contain almost 500 mg of potassium for every 85 grams. But potassium is not the only reason you should eat fish, healthy high fat content also lowers the risk of heart disease.
  5. Soybeans
    Soy products are the best sources of protein and can also fight inflammation in the body. Potassium content was also quite high, half a bowl of soy beans contains almost 500 mg of potassium.
  6. Sweet potatoes
    Sweet potatoes are foods with the highest potassium content. One piece of sweet potato contains about 694 mg of potassium and only 131 calories. Sweet potatoes are also rich in fiber, beta-carotene, and carbohydrates.
  7. Tomato sauce
    Nobody deny the benefits of fresh tomatoes, but if you want high potassium content, tomatoes need to be made ​​into a sauce. A quarter cup of tomato sauce contains 664 mg of potassium. In the meantime, if juiced tomatoes can provide 400 mg of potassium.
  8. Beet leaves
    In beet plants, we often just make use of the tuber and discard the leaves. Though beet leaves contain potassium that is as high as 644 mg every half bowl. Beet leaves also contain high antioxidant.

  9. Yardlong bean
    Yardlong bean that also known as bora, long-podded cowpea, asparagus bean, pea bean, snake bean, or Chinese long bean contains 600 mg of potassium for every half bowl. However, other legumes such as lentils and peas can also be a good source of potassium.
  10. Yogurt
    Approximately 227 grams of yogurt contains 579 mg of potassium. While low-fat yogurt contain slightly lower.
  11. Clams
    Eighty-five grams of clams containing 534 mg of potassium and the highest concentration of vitamin B12.
  12. Prune
    Three-quarters cup of prune juice contains 530 mg of potassium, and the same amount of boiled prunes contains 400 mg. Additionally prune well known for maintaining bone density.
  13. Carrot juice
    Carrot juice as much as 3/4 cup contains 500 mg of potassium. In addition, carrot juice also provide good benefits for the eyes.
  14. Molasses
    This molasses is an alternative that is often used to replace sugar or honey. Behind the sweet, molasses apparently also has a high potassium content. One tablespoon of molasses contains 500 mg of potassium and iron, and calcium that also high.
  15. Dried apricots
    Apricots are not rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C, but also contains potassium that is quite high. Dried apricots (through the drying process) contains 257 milligrams of potassium per quarter cup serving.
  16. Cantaloupe
    Cantaloupe contains potassium that is quite high. A serving of fresh fruit (134 grams) contains 358 milligrams of potassium. Exaggerating a little portion then you will get the amount of potassium as much as in one banana.
  17. Papaya
    Besides high in fiber, papaya also high in potassium. A piece of papaya with a size of 2.5 cm has 264 milligrams of potassium. By adding another piece, then you will get a number of more potassium than bananas.
  18. Date fruit
    One date fruit has a large enough potassium, which is 167 milligrams. What if we consume more than 5 in one day? Obviously fruit is rich in fiber can match the amount of potassium in bananas.
  19. Avocado
    It also contains high potassium. One avocado contains 975 milligrams of potassium or more than half the potassium in bananas.

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