Monday, March 30, 2015

7 Tips On Keeping Healthy

Always keep the body healthy and fit is actually easy to do. We do not need the expensive cost to stay healthy. Keeping healthy can do by managing our eating patterns and frequently exercise. Keeping healthy is not centered on the body that are considered important, but almost all parts of the limb requires attention, keeping healthy is not difficult if we really want to live healthy, but in reality most people avoid for reasons no time, lazy and do not need treatment because there is no pain complaints.

Here are tips on keeping healthy:

1. Adjust your eating pattern, nutritious and balanced

Choose a menu with nutrition, balanced, and varied. Increase consumption of green vegetables and fruits that contain lots of fiber and nutrients that the body needs fiber. Avoid junk food and processed foods, and reduce consumption of salt and sugar. Reduce foods high in fat, such as butter, margarine, and milk. Better get your intake of natural fats from nuts or seeds. Choose lean meats, low-fat milk, soy milk, yogurt, egg whites, and fish as a good source of protein. One more thing, do not forget breakfast! Because breakfast can support our activities throughout the day.

2. Clean air, healthy lungs

To avoid respiratory distress, breathe clean and healthy air. The trick? No need to look for the mountain air, the morning air is very good for your lungs. Also avoid polluted air, such as cigarette smoke, fumes or dust. Clean the house and work space on a regular basis, including furniture, fans and air conditioning.

3. Drink plenty of water

Water is the best of any drink. Get used to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. This habit will help maintain the smooth functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract. Strive to drink warm at night and cool water (not ice water) in the afternoon. Also add a little lemon or lime juice. In addition to good freshen up, drink it and help remove toxins from the body.

4. Balance between work, exercise and rest

Working hard without a break is not good for your health. Get used to rest regularly 7-8 hours at night, and do not often stay up or sleep too late. Try to use leisure time for exercise lightly or just relaxes muscles joints. By exercising 2-3 times per week for 30-45 minutes. enough to make the body fit and stamina.

5. Control of brain

The brain, like the body, it needs a rest. Do not give too much weight, because the brain also has a limited memory. Perform leisure activities that make the brain work more relaxed, such as doing a fun hobby, such as painting, reading the latest novel or just listening to music.

6. Go live in harmony

Use common sense! That's the key, do not risk your life by indulging pleasure themselves through poor lifestyle habits and risk. For example, drinking, smoking or using illegal drugs. Try to live in harmony, as much as possible minimize the risk of psychological or emotional stress.

7. Use of nutritional supplements

Only if necessary! Our bodies need antioxidants (beta-carotene), vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium. All substances needed by the body to increase vitality and prolong life expectancy. To obtain a lot of ways you can do. Besides consume, fresh food, can also consume a lot of health supplements on the market. Instead, use more dietary supplements is recommended as an alternative therapy with emphasis on types of dietary supplements that have been researched and useful.

5 Foods For Healthy Lungs

There are some healthy and nutritious foods that are beneficial for maintaining healthy lungs, respiratory system ensuring functioning properly, and also to help reduce the risk of lung disease. Food for healthy lungs are actually not hard to find and very cheap price, here are some healthy foods for lungs:

1. Apples and tomatoes
Apples and tomatoes have the greatest potential to protect your lungs from tobacco smoke pollutants and other air toxics. Both of these foods contain antioxidants and other nutrients that are beneficial for improving lung function, reduced wheezing, and help people with asthma to breathe easier. In addition, you should also consume fruits and vegetables rich in nutrients at least five servings a day. This will help you get lung health specifically and health in general.

2. Orange fruit
Vitamin C found in the fruit may help prevent free radical damage that triggers pneumonia. Fruits such as oranges, lemons and limes are naturally anti-inflammatory that can reduce tissue swelling of the lungs such as asthma. Vitamin C also acts to improve lung health, and may reduce the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in smokers.

3. Berry fruit
Types of berries such as blackcurrant, blueberry and strawberry contains powerful phytochemical resveratrol, which naturally has anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting, enhance memory, improve fat metabolism and may inhibit oxidative stress-induced cancer of the lungs. According to Paul Gross PhD, his role in "Super Fruits", consuming this fruit regularly can reduce the risk of heart disease by 20%. Berries are also high in anthocyanins which may help reduce lung cancer and gastrointestinal tract.

4. Cereals and grains
Cereals, grains, bread, and other products that are high in fiber could potentially have the ability to maintain healthy lungs.

5. Fatty Fish
Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty fish, such as salmon, albacore tuna,  sardines and mackerel, provide rich amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, healthy fats the body must obtain from food. According to research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition in 2002, omega-3 fats derived from fish oil may have a positive impact on lung health in children with asthma. In some cases, omega-3 fat intake has allowed individuals faced with chronic lung inflammation to require smaller amounts of anti-inflammatory medication.


4 Healthy Cereal For Healthy Breakfast

Cereal is the most practical breakfast menu. It was crispy-crunchy tasty and more delicious added to milk. This breakfast was able to give nutrients intake and make the body healthy. Cereal is a food with high carbohydrate content, protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and low in sugar. Cereal is perfect for those who want to lose weight without feeling a sense of weakness. Additional fresh milk is also an important option to increase intake of calcium in the body.

It is better to eat cereal every morning in order to body more energy throughout the day. This is because the high fiber cereal made ​​with whole grains are perfect. Best cereal are whole-grain cereals that made ​​with oats, shredded wheat, or brown rice.

Here are 4 healthy cereal for breakfast:

1. Whole-grain cereals
whole-grain cereals is a good source of vitamin E and fiber. It can make you healthy and stay active throughout the day. When compared to other cereals, whole grain cereals have a low fat, cholesterol, and easy to digest. So, if you're on a diet, you can eat whole grain cereal to lose weight and clean the toxins from the body.

2. Oat cereal
Haver known as oat, Cereal growing in subtropical and temperate climates. Oat cereals contain a lot of vitamins and folic acid. You can mix it with honey and sliced ​​fresh fruit.

3. Barley cereal
Barley is a cereal similar to animal feed, malt producer, and as a health food. Barley itself is included in the tribe of grains. Patients with diabetes shall eat cereal barley. Barley to control blood sugar and high in fiber, amino acids, anti-oxidants and zinc.

4. Cereals from seeds or nuts
This is a healthy cereal made ​​from whole seed and nuts. One serving of this cereal has 7gram fiber, 6 grams of protein, and 4 grams of sugar. Cereals This type contains a lot of vitamin D, folic acid, and fiber.

For added flavor, you can mix the cereal with sliced ​​fruit, honey, or milk. Do not miss a healthy breakfast, so the body can fit all day.

7 Tips To Get Healthy Lungs

Having healthy lungs is everyone's dream. The lungs are one of the organs that have a vital function in supporting life. For that condition must be maintained in order to stay healthy and strong. Some bad habits can damage the lungs. Here are tips you can do to get healthy lungs and strong:

1. Doing exercise
The better cardiorespiratory fitness, it will be easier for the lungs to keep the heart and muscles that supply oxygen. Besides regular exercise is very important and helpful for people with chronic lung disease

2. Do not smoke any kind
Dr. Edelman said there is no safe limit when a person smokes, and the more often he smoked the risk of becomes damaged lungs will be even greater. It is not only limited to cigarettes, but also includes a cigar or marijuana can harm the lungs.

3. Keeping the air clean
Clean air will reduce the risk of lung exposed to foreign objects from the outside that could damage it. Therefore, avoid the use of motor vehicles and stop burning wood or trash. Wary of the threat of air pollution from the environment.

4. Eating the right foods
There is evidence that a diet rich in antioxidants is a good source for the lungs. All the vegetables nice, but green leafy vegetables have lots of antioxidants and has a protective effect. This source should come from food rather than supplements.

5. Using personal protective equipment while working
Many jobs that put workers at risk for lung problems, such as construction workers to hairdressers. For that wear personal protective equipment such as a mask to suit the type of work that may hinder the entry of particles into the body.

6. Using safe products
Some household products often emit particles or gases that are harmful to the lungs. Try to avoid oil-based products, products that release volatile organic compounds (volatile organic compounds / VOCs), avoiding the use of ammonia and read labels carefully.

7. Improving indoor air
The air in the room can also affect the health of the lungs, such as carpets were not clean, room fresheners with hazardous chemicals, excessive use of candles or a building construction. For that provide good ventilation for the room and cut resources that affect the lungs.

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