Friday, August 29, 2014

Impact And Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency

Vitamin deficiency in the body will cause the disease symptoms. Signs of vitamin A deficiency in the body is very diverse, most often symptoms found in people who are deficient in vitamin A is the presence of eye diseases or disorders of the eye. For example, night blindness, cataracts, and decreased visibility. It also led to a reduction in corneal blindness, vitamin A deficiency also causes changes in the shape of bones, stunted growth. Even cause damage to the teeth, atrophy tooth-forming cells. Some experts also said it could cause problems in the bowel, bladder, brain and spinal cord. In addition, diseases such as skin cancer that attacks the skin, rough skin, chapped skin and measles can also be caused due to deficiency of vitamin A.

In the intestines and urinary tract, vitamin A is very influential in keeping the intestinal walls to keep it as their function to work optimally. You also know that the intestines absorb various nutrients in food and water. If the intestinal wall disrupted as a result of vitamin A intake reduced and this will affect the absorption of water and nutrients to be disturbed. The result is a urinary tract infection due to the lack of optimal water absorption every day.

Lack of vitamin A will also reduce the ability of cells to produce mucous glands. This causes the skin to become dry and rough and difficult to heal wounds. Mucous membranes which can not produce a fluid mucus perfectly, will be susceptible to bacteria (infection). So that mucus is very important to maintain skin moisture. At a more acute level, the skin can become chapped skin to cancer. Actually, the skin itself has the retinoids ability to influence the development of epithelial cells and increases the activity of the immune system so that it can prevent skin cancer.

Vitamin A is influential on immune function in humans, although the mechanism is not known with certainty. Retinol appears to affect the growth and differentiation of B lymphocytes are leukocytes that play a role in the process of humoral immunity. Then the lack of vitamin A can lower antibody responses is dependent T-cell lymphocytes that play a role in cellular immunity. Below are an effect of vitamin A deficiency is associated with the body's defense (immune).
  • Abnormal keratin in the respiratory tract, genitourinary tract, and the ocular surface. 
  • Loss of cilia of the respiratory epithelium. 
  • Mikrofili loss of the small intestine. 
  • Decrease in goblets cells and a mucin production in the mucosal epithelial. 
  • Damage to the function of neutrophils. 
  • Damage to the function of Natural Killer cells (NK​​) and NK cell count decline. 
  • Damage to haematopoiesis aspects. 
  • Changes T helper type 1 in immune response. 
  • Decrease in the number and function of B lymphocytes 
  • The destruction of the antibody response to T-cell dependent and independent antigens.

Therefore to prevent vitamin A deficiency, it is advisable to increase the consumption of foods containing vitamin A. Foods that contain lots of vitamin A include liver (beef, chicken, turkey, fish) (6500 mg 722%), carrots (835 mcg 93%), sweet potato (709 mg 79%), butter (684 mg 76%), spinach (681 mcg 76%), spinach (469 mcg 52%), pumpkin (400 mg 41%), cheddar cheese (265 mg 29%), melon (169 mg 19%), eggs (140 mg 16%), papaya (55 mg 6%), mango (38 mg 4%), beans (38 mg 4%), broccoli (31 mg 3%), and milk (28 mg 3%). For more complete vitamin A rich foods you can read at post here.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Benefits of Cinnamon For Treating Various Disease

Cinnamon is one of the types of spices are commonly used as a spice in many types of food because it has a nice aroma and taste. But apparently, cinnamon has many benefits for treating some disease such as indigestion, influenza, acne, skin infections, cancer and so on. The content of the cinnamon is eugenol, ethyl cinnamate, methyl chavicol, linalool, cinnamaldehyde and beta-caryophyllene. The content of cinnamaldehyde is what gives a distinctive flavor and aroma of the cinnamon.

Chemical properties of cinnamon is warm, spicy, fragrant, and slightly sweet. Meanwhile, cinnamon chemical content such as essential oil, safrole, sinamadehide, eugenol, tannins, resins, calcium oksanat, and tanning substances. This plant is suitable cultivated in the tropics with annual rainfall of 2000-3000 mm per year with high humidity and a short dry season.

Below are benefits of cinnamon for treating some diseases
Heart Disease
Apply honey and cinnamon powder on bread at breakfast time every day. Honey and cinnamon reduces cholesterol in the arteries and reduce the risk of heart attack. People who have had a heart attack when taking honey and cinnamon each day can prevent heart attacks. Consumption of honey and cinnamon on a regular basis to facilitate breathing and strengthens the heartbeat.

Blood cholesterol levels can be lowered with 2 tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of cinnamon powder mixed in 16 ounces of tea water. The herb can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood up to 10% within 2 hours. Pure honey taken daily alleviate cholesterol disorders.

Bladder Infection
Combine 2 tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water. After that drink. This herb kills the germs in the bladder.

Apply 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder on your face before bed. Rinse with warm water next morning. When done regularly every day for 2 weeks, will cure acne.

Make a mixture of 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five teaspoons of honey. Apply the mixture on the aching tooth. Use of this herb can be done 3 times a day every day until the tooth stops aching.

Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey can reduce gastric acidity and helps digest food by weight. The herb should be taken before meals.

Prevent aging
Tea mixed with honey and cinnamon powder and drink each day can prevent aging. Take 4 spoons of honey, one spoon of cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water and boil to make like tea. Drink as much as 1 cup 3 to 4 times a day. This herb makes skin fresh and smooth and prevent aging.

Hair loss
People who are experiencing hair loss or baldness can use a mixture of hot olive oil, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder before bath. Apply on the head and let stand for about 15 minutes, then wash. Research also proves, potions were keep stand in the head for 5 minutes are still effective.

Excess Weight Loss
Drink a glass of boiled water with honey and cinnamon powder every morning half an hour before breakfast or when the stomach is empty. When done regularly can reduce weight, even for people who are very obese. Drink this mixture regularly will prevent the accumulation of fat in the body, although still eating high-calorie foods.

Bad breath
A teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water can make the breath stays fresh all day. South Americans used to drink the potion in the morning.

7 health benefits of cinnamon

Controlling blood sugar
Numerous studies show that cinnamon was found to regulate blood sugar levels so that cinnamon is a great food for diabetics and hypoglycemic. Cinnamon can also stabilize your mood and energy in the body.

Reduce levels of bad cholesterol
Cinnamon can reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). During this time, known LDL is harmful to the body because it can cause heart disease, stroke and obesity. By using cinnamon, you can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Maintain a healthy heart
Cinnamon is known to lower cholesterol levels. Components in cinnamon can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the body, and can improve cardiovascular health and overall body. Cinnamon and other spices have even been known to fight heart disease.

Preventing Alzheimer's disease
Researchers from Tel Aviv University found that extracts of cinnamon bark inhibit the toxic compounds found in the formation of brain plaques in Alzheimer's disease. They found that cinnamon reduces s-amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease pathology, which in turn can increase mental awareness.

Overcoming painful menstruation
In women, regular intake of cinnamon can also be relied upon to cope with menstrual pain. In fact, compound cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon can resolve matters pertaining to infertility.

Inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi
Cinnamon has been shown to stop the growth of bacteria and fungi. Professor Daniel Fung said, if cinnamon can kill E. coli O157: H7, one of the most virulent bacterial species at this time, of course, cinnamon has antimicrobial effects on other bacteria associated with food such as Salmonella and Campylobackter.

Relieve pain in patients with rheumatic
Cinnamon can relieve pain caused by arthritis. In a study conducted at the Department of Internal Medicine showed that cinnamon may also reduce cytokines (small proteins as a mediator and regulator of immunity, inflammation and hematopoesis) which can lead to arthritis.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Amazing Benefits of Breastfeeding Both For Mom & Baby Health

Breastfeeding is a wonderful moment for mom and baby, there is emotional contact for them. The benefits of breastfeeding not only for babies, but it also has benefits for the mother. Even there are so many benefits of it, but for some of first-time breastfeeding mom, this activities raises some concern due to the many negative myths of breastfeeding. In this post, we will try to open your mind about benefits facts of breastfeeding. So, you will have not to worry even just a little. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics in the United States also explained that the research evidence reinforces the conclusion the health benefits of breast milk for breastfeeding mothers.

Breast milk is produced naturally by the body to meet the baby's needs and is the best food for babies. Recommended for new mothers to breastfeed their babies within 30 minutes after the baby is born, to get the colostrum or first milk which very beneficial for the baby. Research shows that babies who were breastfed for at least 6 months will have the endurance better and better intellectual development. Even in the Quran Moslem Holy Book suggest to breastfeed for 2 years, at Surah 2 Verse 233 (check this link).

Benefits of breastfeeding for babies

  • Colostrum (first milk on the first day) contains many antibodies that protect babies against disease and infection.
  • Breastfeeding develop higher IQ and improve brain development and the nervous system of the baby. Advantage IQ is 10-12 points due to breastfeeding. Breastfeeding referred to as the 4th trimester in brain growth and development. There are certain proteins in milk that stimulate the baby's brain development.
  • Breast-fed babies suffer less pain.
  • Breastfeeding causes the child has a better antibody response to the vaccine.
  • Breast milk composition and amount of the most appropriate nutrition for infants. The composition of breast milk varies according to individual growth and changing nutritional needs baby.
  • Breast milk is easily digested and always had the right temperature. 
  • Breast milk is always sterile, do not has germ. 
  • There is an element in milk which destroy E coli, salmonella, shigella, streptococcus, pneumococcus and many others. 
  • Breastfeeding stimulates the development of the jaws and facial structure, growth upright teeth and improve eyesight.
  • Breastfeeding creates a strong bond between mother and child. Child has a safe feel. Breastfeeding also plays an important role in the emotional and spiritual development of children.

Benefits of breastfeeding for mom

  • Reduce the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer. Lower estrogen levels during lactation causes the decreased risk of second cancers. Is estimated decrease in estrogen leads to reduced stimulation of the uterine wall and breast tissue, thus minimizing the risk of tissue becoming cancerous.
  • Reduce the risk of breast cancer. Women who breastfeed reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by 25 percent. Reduction in cancer risk is proportional to the cumulative lifetime duration of breastfeeding. That is, the more months or years of nursing mothers, the lower the risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Reduce osteoporosis. Women do not breastfeed have a four times greater risk of developing osteoporosis than breastfeeding women and are more likely to suffer a hip fracture in the years after menopause.
  • Delaying pregnancy naturally. Breastfeeding delays ovulation so can result in breastfeeding mothers is not fertile for a while. How long is a woman fertile again depending on breastfeeding patterns and trends of her own.
  • Improving emotional health. Breastfeeding is not only good for the body, but also for the mind. Studies show that breastfeeding mothers show less postpartum anxiety and depression than mothers who formula feed.
  • Promoting weight loss. Breastfeeding mothers showed more decrease in waist circumference and fat mass in a month after giving birth than mothers who formula feed. Breastfeeding mothers tend to return to pre-pregnancy weight.
  • Breast milk is always available to be assigned. Breastfeeding can save time for setting up the bottle, pouring water, mix milk and sterilize bottles that have been used and so on.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

10 Foods High In Fiber & Main Benefits of Fiber

Fibrous foods are foods that contain fiber in which the body can not digest or absorb. Because it can not be digested by the body's digestive tract, dietary fiber is not going to generate energy or calories to the body. Foods that contain fiber are very best consumed body in amounts as needed because it provides a big benefits, especially in the digestion. Dietary fiber can not be absorbed in the small intestine. Therefore, the fiber will not enter the bloodstream. Although not easily digested, fiber appears to have an important role in the body. This fiber will be taken by the small intestine to the large intestine with intestinal peristalsis. The presence of fiber in the colon will help the process of metabolism in the large intestine.

Foods high in fiber

Green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables are the food sources rich in iron, beta-carotene and fiber. According to nutritionists, green vegetables such as spinach, turnip greens, and beet greens, are the best sources of fiber. One cup serving contains 4 to 5 g of fiber.

Corn contains many antioxidants. About half a cup of corn kernels, contains 2 grams of fiber. Popcorn (without salt or seasoning) is also a source of fiber, with about 3.5 grams of fiber per three-cup serving.

Brown rice
If you're eating white rice, with a chewy texture and savory taste, you seem to have to get used to eating brown rice. Each cup of brown rice contains 3.5 grams of fiber.

Nuts contain a lot of fiber. According to nutritionists, black beans and kidney beans is one of the best sources of fiber. You can get about 15 g of fiber or more per 1 cup serving. Nuts, such as cashews, almonds and other unsaturated fats. Studies show that people who eat nuts regularly are allow to lose weight more easily.

Fruit is a good source of fiber. According to nutrition experts, raspberries, blackberries and elderberries are the best sources of dietary fiber, with 8 to 10 g of fiber per 1 cup serving.

Avocados are the best source of fiber, with two tablespoons per serving of avocado has about 2 grams of fiber and whole fruit pulp contains about 10 grams of fiber. Avocados are also a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids that can lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Unsaturated fat contained in avocados can increase delay hunger hormone called Leptin. This hormone can make your brain think the body is satisfied that make you stop eating.

Like most fruits with edible skin, pears are the fruit of the most nutritious and fiber-rich skin when they are consumed in their entirety. A pear contains about 5.5 grams of fiber.

As well as pear, apple is a fruit that should be eaten with the skin. Because that's where, nutrients from the stored apples. A regular size apple contains about 4.4 grams of fiber.

Half a cup of edamame can contain up to 11 grams of protein and 9 grams of fiber, depending on the brand of the product you buy of course.

We all know that broccoli is good for health. Broccoli may prevent cancer and also contain a lot of fiber. You will get about 5.1 grams in a cup of boiled broccoli.

Main benefits of fiber for health

Prevent constipation
Constipation is a condition in which a person has difficulty to remove dirt or feces from the body. Fiber can prevent and alleviate constipation because of its ability to absorb water as it passes through the digestive tract, thereby increasing the size of the stool and make it soft so easily removed. Stools did not accumulate in the body, this will make the digestion and the body becomes healthier.

Helps Lower Cholesterol and Prevent Coronary Heart Disease
Fiber foods generally can bind cholesterol in the diet, so as to help reduce cholesterol levels that accumulate in the body. Cholesterol stacks that reduced in the bloodstream will automatically reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Prevent Colon Cancer
When the stool is supposed to be disposed of by the body accumulates too long in the body, bad bacteria will easily multiply and injure the intestinal wall so that free radicals can disrupt the body's cells. Moreover, the toxins in the dirt will be absorbed by the body again through the blood vessels and eventually spread throughout the body and makes the body unhealthy. It can increase the risk of colon cancer.

Helps Lose Weight
Foods that contain a relatively high fiber will give you a sense of satiety due to the composition of complex carbohydrates that are stopping appetite, thus resulting in lower consumption of food. In addition, foods that contain lots of fiber are usually low in fat so that it can reduce the intake of fat and excess calories in the body.

Keeping Blood Sugar Levels Remain Stable
Foods rich in fiber usually contain complex carbohydrates. This type of carbohydrate that takes time slow to be absorbed into the body system. Slow absorption process of carbohydrates can help avoid the drastic increase in blood sugar levels so that the body's blood sugar levels relatively stable and steady.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Pomegranate Nutrition & Benefits For Health

Pomegranate is a fruit that contain a lot of nutrition such as vitamin B, C, E, K, Manganese, Magnesium, Iron etc. Meanwhile, pomegranate benefits has been used since long ago in traditional Indian medicine known as Ayurveda, pomegranate called as a substance which gives a cooling effect, especially the nerves and blood. Now, various studies and scientific papers about the pomegranate has been widely published, especially in the medical field. Some of the benefits generated by the pomegranate in many diseases such as prostate cancer, heart disease, kidney disease and many more.

pomegranate benefits

It's also a study about pomegranate juice benefits conducted by Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, led by M. Young Hong. The research studied the mechanism behind the ability of pomegranate to protect men from prostate cancer. They found that a compound found in pomegranates can induce apoptosis or kill cancer cells in prostate cancer cells. In other words, compounds that are known named punicalagins and punicalins in pomegranate juice may inhibit the spread of prostate cancer cells. In fact, according to a study published by the Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2008, pomegranate juice has properties that could be very good for the quality of sperm health.

Benefits of pomegranate for human health

In addition to pomegranate juice benefits above, there are also many other benefits that we can get from pomegranate fruit such as:

Heart Health
Although research data is still not too much, but it can be inferred if the pomegranates efficacious for heart health. The combination of high antioxidants present in this fruit is very useful to reduce levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) and prevent the buildup of plaque on artery walls. In addition, a study conducted at the University of Maryland found if the compounds contained in pomegranates can increase blood flow. Pomegranate health benefits for the heart has been long believed by experts in traditional medicine long before scientific studies done.

Prevent cancer
One of the pomegranates benefits are widely discussed is the ability to ward off cancer. This has been reviewed in the journal Translational Oncology. Mentioned that pomegranates can ward off breast cancer and skin cancer. Including the benefits of pomegranate juice to prevent prostate cancer as mentioned above.

Overcoming Osteoarthritis
Pomegranate is able to cope with various kinds of diseases such as atherosclerosis and osteoarthritis. Damage caused by thickening and hardening of the arteries and cartilage and joints can be cured by eating this fruit. In addition, pomegranate is also able to prevent the formation of enzymes that can destroy connective tissue.

Overcoming Anemia
To maintain a healthy blood flow we can consume pomegranate in any way. Iron content is owned by pomegranates can reduce the symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue and dizziness.

Lowering cholesterol
According to research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the antioxidants in pomegranates may reduce the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol) in mice. This decrease in LDL cholesterol and raise HDL (good cholesterol).

Rich in Antioxidants
Recent research shows that pomegranates are rich in anthocyanidins that act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. Pomegranate juice is touted to have more antioxidants than "super foods" such as red wine, green tea and blueberries. Antioxidants fight free radicals that can damage cells. This cell damage associated with all sorts of diseases including cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's.

Reduce stress
In a study conducted by Queen Margaret University Edinburgh found that Pomegranate juice can help get rid of stress and soothe the liver. This can happen because the pomegranate can reduce levels of cortisol or stress hormones in our saliva while reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure so it helps you to be more relaxed. Only with Pomegranate juice by about 2.5 cups a day then you can reduce stress levels.

Protect the baby's brain
The last important pomegranate benefits that we can write is to protect the baby's brain. A study published in Pediatric Research found that drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy helps protect the newborn brain after a traumatic birth.

Pomegranate calories and nutrition facts

Medium sized pomegranate with a diameter of 10 cm are known to contain around 234 calories, which is only 28 calories coming from fat. In total fat contained only about 3 gr. Based on this, it can be concluded if the pomegranate fruit including very low in fat. The biggest nutrient content in pomegranate is antioxidants, pomegranate antioxidants even three times more than green tea and red wine that has been lauded as the greatest producer of antioxidants. This makes a lot of experts include pomegranate as one of the "super fruit". Moreover, in one pomegranate contains vitamins A, B3 (niacin), B9 (folic acid), C, and E. In fact, the average pomegranate contains about 40 percent of the daily recommended vitamin C for adults.

Pomegranate is also rich in mineral content. Some of these are calcium and iron. Both of these minerals work to maintain healthy teeth and bones and assist in the formation of blood hemoglobin. The fiber content in the pomegranate is also good for the diet. But of all the pomegranate parts that can be consumed, pomegranate seeds are those that have the highest fiber content. For more detailed, you can read pomegranate nutritional value table below:


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Celery Nutrition & Its Magnificent Benefits As Versatile Plant

Did you know that the benefits of celery can be used to treat various diseases? Celery is recognized as a medicinal plant science in 1942, this plant contains vitamins A, C and B1. Additionally, celery also contains many minerals such as sodium, chlorine, potassium (potash), magnesium, protein, calcium, asparagine apigenin, kholin, saponins, essential oils, sedative compounds (phathalide) and fiber.

Celery root also has benefits for treating high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fat-containing urine, and colic. stimulate digestive enzymes and laxative urine (diuretic). Moderate fruit and celery seed has efficacy for the treatment of rheumatism, bronchitis, asthma, liver and spleen disease, colic and abdominal pain after childbirth. Seizures reliever (antipasmodik), lower blood uric acid levels, antirheumatic, laxative urine (diuretic), laxative fart (carminative). so it is not an exaggeration to say that celery is versatile plant.

Celery nutrition

Celery is a rich source of vitamin A. The darker green the leaves, the vitamin A content the more high. Celery also contains vitamins C, B1, B2, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and coumarins which is believed to prevent cancer. A chemical component in the essential oil derived from the seeds of celery exhibit anti-cancer properties, and many studies show the positive results that celery role in slowing the progression of pancreatic tumors, breast, and liver.

Additionally, celery also contains polyacetylene, which are substances that are very toxic to fight fungus and bacteria. This component also has anti-inflammatory effects. A thesis proves that flavonoids (apigenin), butyl phthalide compounds, and potassium in celery (Apium graveolens Linn) can lower blood pressure in people with hypertension.

To get more celery nutritional value, you can read at table below:

Celery, (Apium graveolens), Fresh,
Nutrient value per 100 g
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy16 Kcal<1%
Carbohydrates3 g5.5%
Protein3.46 g6%
Total Fat1.12 g4.5%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber2.10 g5.5%
Folates36 µg9%
Niacin0.320 mg2%
Pantothenic acid0.246 mg5%
Pyridoxine0.074 mg6%
Riboflavin0.57 mg4%
Thiamin0.021 mg2%
Vitamin A449 IU15%
Vitamin C3.1 mg5%
Vitamin K29.3 µg24%
Vitamin K
Sodium80 mg5%
Potassium260 mg5.5%
Calcium40 mg4%
Copper0.35 mg4%
Iron0.20 mg2.5%
Magnesium11 mg3%
Manganese0.103 mg4.5%
Phosphorus24 mg3%
Zinc0.13 mg1%
Carotene-ß270 µg--
Crypto-xanthin-ß0 µg--
Lutein-zeaxanthin283 µg--

Benefits of celery for health

Contains antioxidants
Celery contains antioxidants and flavonoids luteolin types that help ward off free radicals in the body. Luteloin also useful to increase the body's metabolism.

As an anti-inflammatory materials
Celery also contains anti-inflammatory substances, as well as effectively preventing problems such osteoartharitis bone and joint pain.

Boost immunity
Celery is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C is an antioxidant that is important in maintaining the immune system. Vitamin C enables the production of collagen that helps protect muscles and connective tissue to maintain skin health and fight disease.

Strengthen bones
Celery contains vitamin K which plays a role in protein synthesis (type osteocalcin) thereby increasing the density of bones and teeth.

Protect the heart
Our bodies produce an amino acid called homocysteine ​​that can disrupt the normal function of blood vessels and cause cardiovascular disease. Celery contains vitamin B9 or folate, which can convert amino acids into simpler molecules that protect you from heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases.

Helps prevent cancer
Myristicin organic compounds in celery proven to prevent the proliferation of cancer cells in the body. Myristicin also activates enzymes and helps neutralize harmful compounds specific causes of prostate cancer and colon.

Vitamin D Foods, Deficiency & Overdose

The main function of vitamin D is act as the destroyer and killer all kinds of viruses and bacteria that invade the body, also gives strength to the body against disease. Therefore, vitamin D deficiency or overdose can cause several diseases. Vitamin D is also very important to expedite the process of bones and teeth  growth also keep it out of brittleness. If there is deficiency of vitamin D, the body will experience a variety of diseases, such as osteoporosis, osteopenia, diabetes, hypertension, and other cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, and endometrial cancer. Meanwhile if there is overdose of vitamin D, also cause several disease. Actually, the specific disease caused by vitamin D overdose does not exist. It's just that organ damage can be experienced due to excess vitamin D. Vitamin D is also known to carry a fair amount of calcium. For excess daily consumption causes renal impaired performance and overburdened.

Vitamin D is essential for bone health because it plays a role in calcium absorption in the stomach and digestive tract. Without sufficient vitamin D, your body will not be able to absorb calcium properly so having weak bones. Vitamin D is a pro-hormone that our body uses to transport calcium from the digestive through the blood to the bones, heart, brain, lungs and other organs that require it.

It is need to meet the requirement daily intake of vitamin D, according to the United States Institute of Medicine, the recommended dietary allowances of vitamin D are:

  • Infants 0–6 months: 400 IU/day* 
  • Infants 6–12 months: 400 IU/day* 
  • 1–70 years of age: 600 IU/day (15 μg/day) 
  • 71+ years of age: 800 IU/day (20 μg/day) 
  • Pregnant/lactating: 600 IU/day (15 μg/day) 
  • Asterisk for infants indicates Adequate Intake (AI) for infants, as an RDA has yet to be established for infants.

Vitamin D foods

Vitamin D is a lot coming from the morning sun, working on bone mineralization by increasing the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the digestive system, so that the levels in the blood increases. This is done by taking calcium from the bones and to encourage retention by the kidneys. Even so, you also can get vitamin D from foods such as Green vegetables, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes are also rich in lycopene, broccoli, cod liver oil, salmon and mackerel, tuna fish and sardines, cereals are fortified with vitamin D, eggs (including the yolk), also margarine are fortified with vitamin.

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

Anyone know what are the symptoms? Abnormal bone formation is a symptom of vitamin D deficiency which can lead to other diseases that spread more severe. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency is restless, forehead always sweating, irritable and also swelling in the joints and cartilage to form 2 circles are hard. Usually these symptoms if attacked children who are deficient in vitamin D will look fat even though underweight. 

The most severe symptoms are leg bone formation in children is not normal. Can be concave or convex. Their stomach would like enlarged and swollen to the front and followed by constipation. This is because the intake of vitamin D deficiency as a baby. Inadequate intake of milk into the cause of these symptoms arise. Usually phosphorus and calcium deficiency. But it could be a deficiency of vitamin D was greater so that the intake of phosphorus and calcium were not met.

Symptoms of Vitamin D Overdose

Emotional symptoms of excess vitamin D is usually marked by nervous, irritable or short-tempered. While the physical symptoms that can be observed is dehydration and severe headaches. For long-term symptoms can be neurological abnormalities, muscle shape that started not fit, and there is itching, weak and tired. Can even interfere with the urinary tract. The occurrence of excessive urine production, and the presence of kidney stones can lead to kidney failure. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the symptoms of your long term health.

Keep in mind that the initial diagnosis of vitamin D overdose is not easy. However, if the feeling or condition of your body is not good due to the consumption of vitamin D, immediately go to the doctor to check if you have been exposed to toxic or toxicity of vitamin D.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Almonds Nutrition Facts & Unbelieveble Health Benefits

We already know that almonds is delicious when it found in an ice cream or other products. But today we are not going to talk about the taste, because almonds nutrition is more important to know besides its delicious taste. Almonds are very beneficial to the body because they contain fiber, vitamins and minerals. Almonds for health benefits, like overcome constipation, respiratory disorders, cough, heart problems, anemia, impotence, and diabetes. Also helps in hair care, skin care (psoriasis), and dental care. Almond commonly known as the supplementary material to make bread, ice cream, eaten raw, as an ingredient in salads, or almond milk.

benefits of almonds

Benefits of almonds for health & beauty

Good for the heart
Monounsaturated fats, protein and potassium contained in almonds are good for the heart. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, and reduces the risk of heart disease. Magnesium in almonds is also useful to help avoid heart attacks. Almonds help reduce C-reactive protein, causing inflammation that damages arteries. Almonds are also rich sources of folic acid, therefore helping to reduce levels of homocysteine​​, which causes fatty plaque buildup in the arteries.

Good for the brain
Almonds are a source of nutrients that can help brain development. Almond induces high intellectual level and has been considered as an important food for growing children. Many mothers give almonds soaked in water to their children every day in the morning. 2-3 pieces of soaked almonds are good enough, the outer skin may also be removed to avoid allergies.

Reduce Risk of Hypertension
Almonds are known to contain lots of potassium which plays an important role in controlling blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension).

Lowering LDL Cholesterol
Almonds contain monounsaturated fats and poly-unsaturated fat, which can lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol).

Sources of Energy
Almonds were added to various dishes and food products can make it more energy-dense foods. This is because almonds contain carbohydrates and protein which is a source of energy.

Maintain Digestive Health
Almonds contain fiber are beneficial for digestion and maintain a healthy digestive tract.

Protect the body from free radical damage
Almonds are loaded with vitamin E, which are antioxidants that prevent cell damage from free radicals.

Controlling Weight Gain
Manganese, copper and Riboflavin is found in almond seeds play an important role in helping to control body metabolism. Good metabolism can reduce the accumulation of calories in the form of body fat. Eating almonds can reduce the risk of overweight.

Increase blood flow
In many studies suggest almonds contain vitamin E, unsaturated fats, magnesium, and antioxidants which help in increasing the blood flow. Regularly consume almonds also help the health of your liver.

Natural moisturizer
Pure oil that produced from almond is a natural moisturizer that keeps the skin from dryness. This almond oil naturally provides food and restore the dead skin cells.

Good for hair
Almond oil also contained the potent role in treating hair loss and increase hair growth.

Almonds nutrition facts

Almond seeds contain 49% oil, which is composed of 62% omega-9 fatty acid, 24% omega-6 fatty acid, palmitic acid and 6%. Oleum amygdalae, is a kind of oil obtained from almonds, which is classified as glyceryl oleate. This oil has a mild aroma and taste nuts, alcohol insoluble, but readily soluble in chloroform or ether. Almond seeds contain 26% carbohydrates (12% dietary fiber, 6.3% sugar, and 0.7% starch). 

Besides, almonds rich in vitamin E, which is 24 mg per 100 grams. Almond seeds also have a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, which can lower LDL cholesterol. Other nutrients found in almonds is vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. Below you can read almonds nutritional value table based on USDA National Nutrient database.

almonds nutrition

Almond claimed to have the benefits of accelerating the movement of food in the colon, and preventing colon cancer. Several recent studies linking almonds with a decrease in LDL cholesterol. Almonds also have anti-inflammatory / inflammation, strengthen the immune system, and protect the liver. But for some people, almonds can cause allergic symptoms vary from local symptoms (eg, contact urticaria) to systemic symptoms (eg, angioedema, urticaria, or also discomfort in the stomach / respiratory tract).


Main Benefits Of Soy Milk For Health & Nutrition Facts

We often say that soy can be a substitute for meat for those who are classified as vegetarian. Soy is a nutritional storehouse and you can get the health benefits of a soy-based products such as soy milk, tofu, bean sprouts, beans, sauce and flour. Soybeans are kind of nuts that are common in East Asia. They are classified as an oilseed. Soybeans are considered as a complete protein because of the amount of essential amino acids. Benefits of soy found in countries such as China and Japan, where people are less exposed to heart disease, osteoporosis, breast cancer and prostate gland.

One cup of fortified soy milk (still pure, not having enrichment), contains nearly 7 grams of protein, 4 grams carbohydrates, 4.5 grams of fat, and no cholesterol. While cow's milk, providing carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fats. All milk contains 8 grams of protein and 12 grams of carbohydrates per cup. It is also a rich source of other nutrients. But we do not need to worry, because soy milk on the market today are fortified with calcium, vitamin E, B12, D, and other nutrients.

Main benefits of soy milk for health

Preventing Prostate Cancer
Soy milk is rich in phytoestrogens, plant hormones that can inhibit the production of testosterone in men. Reduced testosterone levels can significantly reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Research has shown that men who consume soy regularly had lower prostate cancer.

Overcoming Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerance is a condition of the digestive system is not able to digest and absorb lactose (milk fat) well due to lack of lactase enzyme in the body that functions to break down lactose into glucose and galactose (monosaccharides) to be more easily digested intestine. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and other symptoms

Lowering Cholesterol
In contrast to cow's milk is high in saturated fat, soy milk fat mostly unsaturated and non cholesterol. Monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated in soy can inhibit the transport of cholesterol into the bloodstream. Research suggests that regular soy intake can significantly reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Reduce the risk of heart disease
Protein and isoflavones present in soy, help in reducing LDL cholesterol and decrease the possibility of blood clots. This in turn, reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Research has shown that consumption of milk containing 25 grams of soy protein for nine weeks resulted in a decrease of 5% on average LDL cholesterol.

Preventing Osteoporosis
Not only cow's milk may reduce the risk of osteoporosis, soy milk can also provide the same benefits. Content of phytoestrogens in soy milk can help speed up the absorption of calcium by the body and prevent the loss of bone mass. To obtain maximum results, make sure you buy soy milk containing vitamin D.

Prevent Premature Aging (Anti-Aging)
For everyone; being old is a certainty that does not to be feared. Consuming food or beverage source of anti-oxidants is a wise choice, as well as the right choice to combat premature aging. Anti-oxidants are generally derived from a class of vitamins and minerals; including vitamins B, E, C, Beta-Carotene, Chromium, Selenium, Calcium, Copper, Magnesium, and isoflavones.

Beverages for Vegetarian
For vegetarians, soy milk can be served as a main drink. In addition to delicious and refreshing, nutritional value is not inferior to cow's milk. Soy milk is a beverage source of vitamins (B1, B2, B6, and provitamin A), source of minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, Phosphorus), sources of carbohydrates, protein source and fat source). 

Beverages for People with Autism
Autism sufferers should not eat foods that contain casein (milk protein) and glutein (protein powder). Because in addition to difficult to digest, foods that contain two types of protein can cause brain dysfunction. If consumed, the behavior of people with autism will be more hyperactive. Casein sources derived from animal milk (cow's milk) as well as a wide range of products, such as cheese and cream. For people with Autism, Cow Milk can be replaced with Soy Milk. Thus, people with autism still gaining input protein, vitamins, and minerals are sufficient. The most important thing of all, soy milk does not contain casein and glutein.

Soy Milk nutrition facts

Soy milk has about the same amount of protein as cow's milk, though the amino acid profile differs. Natural soy milk contains little digestible calcium as it is bound to the bean's pulp, which is indigestible by humans. To counter this, many manufacturers enrich their products with calcium carbonate available to human digestion. Unlike cow's milk, it has little saturated fat and no cholesterol.

Soy products contain sucrose as the basic disaccharide, which breaks down into glucose and fructose. Since soy doesn't contain galactose, a product of lactose breakdown, soy-based infant formulas can safely replace breast milk in children with galactosemia. Like lactose-free cow's milk, soymilk contains no lactose, which makes it a good alternative for lactose-intolerant people. For patients without conditions that limit which sugars they can consume, there is no evidence to support any sugar-related health benefit or detriment to consuming soy milk instead of cow's milk.


Banana Nutrition Facts & Calories Content As Instant Energy

It is mentioned that banana is an instant energy booster, and many athletes eat it to get their energy back. Do you know how many calories in a banana, so many people make a banana as a source of instant energy? Based on USDA National Nutrient database, calories in every medium sized banana or about 118g is 105 calories, meanwhile in a large sized of banana or about 136g is 121 calories. That is calories in raw bananas (not processed). Calories in 1lb 3oz sundae (banana split) contain 894 calories.

banana nutrition

Banana is a fruit that is rich in nutrients. All nutrition and health benefits of bananas preserved naturally by the skin. Bananas, including foods that are easily digested and has many health benefits.

Banana nutrition facts

A medium-sized banana contains about 467 mg of potassium and just a little sodium which is about 1 mg. Potassium is an essential element to regulate blood pressure, reduce the risk of high blood pressure, as well as other related issues.

Bananas are rich in calcium, 100 grams of bananas capable of supplying 5 mg of calcium to the body. Calcium is essential for the formation and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. In addition, calcium also serves to facilitate neurotransmitter release and muscle contraction.

As we mentioned earlier, the energy content in bananas is very high so it is suitable for use as a source of food to get energy quickly. In 100 gr banana contains 22.84 grams of carbohydrates, 12.23 grams of sugar, and 2.6 grams of fiber. Although slightly higher for patients with diabetes, but it makes bananas as a source of quick energy and easy to digest.

In 100 grams of bananas available nearly 8.7 mg of vitamin C for the body. Vitamin C protects the body against oxidative stress and malnutrition. As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C helps the body control the free radicals that enter the body.

Vitamin B6 is a water soluble vitamin, plays an important role for smooth functioning of the nervous system, boost immune system and fight infection. In 225 grams of bananas contained 0.8 mg vitamin B6 for the body.

A wide range of essential vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K, folate, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and others can be found in bananas. These vitamins help the formation of blood as well as other activities in the body for maintain fitness levels remain high all the time.

Some kinds of other minerals such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, and fluoride is also found in bananas. Each of these minerals help the body's various functions and boost the immune system.

For more better banana nutrition information, below you can read banana nutritional value table based on USDA National Nutrients database.

High water content in bananas keeps the body well hydrated without reducing essential nutrients. This makes bananas help you lose weight effectively. To get all the benefits, it must be ensured that eating bananas fresh or processed banana that has been coated with sugar or chocolate. For further information, you can continue to read benefits of banana for health.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Benefits of Drinking Water

If we talk about benefits of drinking water, then it should be talking about health benefits of water. There are also wide spread about our body that consist of 80% of water, meanwhile another reseacher said 60%. The bottomline is, our body contains lot of water or fluid, so drinking water gives so many benefits to our health. You must be ever heard about how much water we should drink everyday, there is a general advice we should take 8 glasses water per day. Its not total true also false, because every person have their own activities. More intense activities they done, they should drink more water.

Brain and blood are two important organs that has moisture content above 80%. The brain has a component of water by 90%, while blood has a component of 95% water. At least, normally we need 2 liters a day or 8 glasses a day. For smokers this amount shall be increased by half. The water needed to replace the fluid out of the body through urine, sweat, respiration, and secretion. The doctor also advised to consume 8-10 glasses of water every day so that your metabolism running well and normal.

If you consume less than 8 glasses, the overall effect is not felt. But as a consequence, the body will balance itself by taking the source of the body's own components. Of them from the blood. Lack of water for blood is very harmful to the body. Therefore, the blood will be thick. As a result, the flow of blood to transport oxygen and nutrients can be disrupted.

Blood is thicker, will also pass through the kidney that functions as a filter or a tool to filter toxins from the blood. The kidneys has a very fine sieve, so if you have thick blood filter the kidneys have to work extra hard. It is not possible kidney could be damaged and will eventually undergo dialysis or in medical language called hemodialysis.

And what about the brain? Thick blood flow will also be hampered as it passes through the brain. In fact, brain cells consume the most extravagant food and oxygen carried by the blood. So that the function of brain cells is not optimal, and can even die quickly. These conditions will increasingly lead to stroke. Therefore, do not let lack of water!

 benefits of drinking water

Streamlining the digestive system
Consuming adequate amounts of water each day will facilitate the digestive system so that we will avoid digestive problems such as ulcers or constipation. Burning calories will also be run efficiently

Healthy heart
Water is also believed to participate cure heart disease, rheumatism, skin damage, respiratory diseases, intestinal, etc.. Even today quite a lot of alternative medicine that utilizes the efficacy of the water.

As stroke remedy
Hot water is not only used to treat various skin diseases, but is also effective for treating paralysis, such as stroke. Therefore, the water can help strengthen back muscles and ligaments as well as expedite the circulatory system and respiratory system. Effect of heat causes dilation of blood vessels, improving blood circulation and tissue oxygenation, thus preventing muscle stiffness, relieve pain and calm the mind. The content of ions, especially chlorine, magnesium, hydrogen carbonate and sulfate in hot water, helps the dilation of blood vessels thus increasing blood circulation. In addition to the pH of the water is able to sterilize the skin.

Reducing stomach acid
You may be one of the millions of people who experience heartburn, a condition usually caused by high levels of stomach acid, according to "The Family Medicine Handbook." Stomach is a major source of hydrochloric acid in the body, and secrete all night. Without the benefit of food to dilute acid, heartburn is more likely to occur in the morning. Drink water immediately after waking up can reduce the level of acidity in the stomach, so it can help relieve the symptoms of heartburn or stomach pains.

Drinking water can remove toxins in the body
Water helps remove waste and other harmful toxins from the lymphatic system, kidneys and intestines, so avoid discomfort or disruption of other health problems. Another benefit to help the liver and kidneys work optimally because getting enough fluids.

Drinking water increases brain function
The brain can function well and has an effective electric function if getting the water right, for it is when people drink well then his brain will be able to function optimally. Estimated human brain is the same amount of electricity as a 60 watt light bulb.

Drinking water boost energy
Yawning is the only activity that makes people can stay awake. But yawning is not always due to sleep late at night because it could also be due to a mild form of dehydration. But if people enough drink, energy increases that make it not evaporate and remain awake.

Drinking water can nourish the bone
To make bone cells are new and constantly keep bones healthy, the body needs to obtain sufficient amounts of water. This is the reason drinking water can be healthy bones.

Drinking water maintaining a healthy weight
When a person with enough water so effectively contributed to the regulation of appetite, as well as the function of metabolism are at the most optimal level thus maintaining healthy weight. 

Drinking water make your skin healthy
Many people who spend a lot of money to make the skin glow and healthy, but there are forgotten that drinking enough water can make your skin healthy. This is because water helps remove toxins and keep skin looking fresh and healthy every day.

Drinking water helps the function of vital organs in the body
When the body can not be enough water, it will be pulled from the bloodstream and can affect the body's organs. The heart has to work harder because blood is thicker, blood flow is obstructed certainly have an impact on other vital organs in the body. But if someone gets enough water then it could help improve organ function.

Hidden Benefits of Coconut Oil For Health And Beauty

Coconut oil is often used only for cooking, actually there are so many benefits of coconut oil for health and beauty. In fact, also mentioned that coconut oil can also be used to treat acne. Because 50 percent of coconut oil content is lauric acid that supports healthy metabolism and has studied the content has anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial. In addition, coconut oil also rich in vitamins, such as vitamin D, E and K.

Coconut oil generally get a bad assumption because it contains high saturated fat. However, in fact there are also many benefits of coconut oil, especially virgin coconut oil (VCO). Unlike the vegetable oil, VCO containing 92% medium-chain fatty acids can continue to be absorbed through the intestinal wall when it is in the gastrointestinal tract, the process is faster because without due process and enzymatic hydrolysis. Furthermore supplied directly into the blood stream and was immediately taken into the liver to metabolized. VCO is processed in the liver into energy, not cholesterol and fat deposits, the energy is used to improve the function of all endoktrin glands, organs and tissues.

Coconut oil nutrition

Like what we have mentioned above, quoting from wikipedia, Coconut oil contains a large proportion of lauric acid, a saturated fat that raises blood cholesterol levels by increasing the amount of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.This may create a more favourable blood cholesterol profile, although it is unclear whether coconut oil may promote atherosclerosis through other pathways. Because much of the saturated fat of coconut oil is in the form of lauric acid, coconut oil may be a better alternative to partially hydrogenated vegetable oil when solid fats are required. In addition, virgin coconut oil (VCO) is composed mainly of medium-chain triglycerides, which may not carry the same risks as other saturated fats.

Benefits of coconut oil for health

Protect the heart
Because it is rich in lauric acid, coconut oil consumption can protect the heart by lowering bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

Lowers the risk of cardiovasculardisease
A study has proven that potent virgin coconut oil consumption lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Controlling blood sugar levels
Virgin coconut oil will not trigger an increase in the hormone insulin in the blood vessels. Conversely, consuming coconut oil can help you control your blood sugar by increasing insulin performance.

Boost immunity
Lauric acid content in coconut oil is enhancing good immune system.

Maintain brain health
Several studies also have shown that consuming coconut oil is able to maintain brain health in old age.

Speed ​​up the healing process
Panamanian people like to drink pure coconut oil to treat diseases and accelerate the healing process.

Helps the absorption of nutrients
Consuming virgin coconut oil and vitamin E together is the solution for treating failure nutrient absorption in the digestive tract.

Speed ​​up your metabolism
As mentioned earlier, coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids can stimulate a faster metabolism and give you energy.

Eradicate bacteria
Virgin coconut oil also contains caprylic acid which is known to kill harmful bacteria.

Benefits of coconut oil for beauty

Lip balm
Rub on chapped lips. You can also use it to keep moisture lip anywhere, but not during the summer, as the heat will melt the oil.

Anti aging moisturizer
Coconut oil is anti-microbial agents, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial. So apply coconut oil on the face as a moisturizer for anti-aging properties and prevent acne.

Get rid of stretch marks
If you frequently disturbed by the presence of stretch marks, apply coconut oil for a few weeks until able to eliminate them completely.

Stimulate hair growth
If you want long hair quickly, just apply coconut oil to hair roots. The process is almost the same as how to cope with split ends.

Make your nails grow longer
In addition to hair, beautiful and long nails can also be obtained by applying coconut oil. Focus on the cuticle area so that your nails look more beautiful.

Deep conditioner
Warm massage on the scalp and hair. Wait 15 minutes, then rinse. You do not need to use a conditioner after shampooing

Hair chapped and dry
Although cutting the broken part is the best solution, you can use coconut oil to reduce and make it sparkle again

If you have calluses or rough heels, use a pumice stone before going to bed. Apply coconut oil on your feet and wear a pair of socks to lock in moisture overnight

Face Cream
Lauric acid is said to cure acne, a good choice for oily and combination skin.

Make up cleanser
Coconut oil can be an effective cleanser and makeup has a natural moisturizer

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Magnificent Health Benefits of Kale & Various Nutritional Value That You Should Know

Kale that is considered closer to wild cabbage has magnificent health benefits with its various nutrition. In fact, ikale is also touted as "the new beef", "the queen of greens" and "a nutritional powerhouse." Kale  that also called borecole, is a family of Brassica vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and kailan. When consumed regularly, this vegetable is touted be able to shield the body from cancer and lowering cholesterol.

Beside rich in minerals, kale is also full of antioxidant vitamins A, C and K. Carotenoids and flavonoids are antioxidants that have been proven to be effective in warding off cancer. That's why some people call kale as the healthiest vegetable on earth.

In recent years, kale sales have increased quite sharply. As reported by the Daily Mail, the prestige of the vegetable soared thanks to celebrities and celebrity chef. Like the artist Gwyneth Paltrow for example, highlights the health benefits of kale through recipes posted on her website. The same thing was done by celebrity chef, as Fearnley-Whittingstall and Jamie Oliver. Both often use low-calorie vegetables in a variety of recipes.

In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, stated that, consuming antioxidants vitamin K can reduce the risk of death from cancer. Vitamin K can also be found in spinach, kailan, and also cheese. Vitamin K is very good for maintaining body functions, ranging darh prevent blood clotting, antioxidant activity, to bone health.

health benefits of kale

Kale nutrition

Although it's green, kale (Brassica oleracea Acephala Group) is a vegetables with higher vitamin C than oranges. One cup of sliced ​​thinly kale, already able to provide 134 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. While oranges only give 113 percent vitamin C intake. In addition to vitamin C, kale also provide 133 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A. The amount is somewhat more than other types of green leafy vegetables.

Kale is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. As already often mentioned, omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in maintaining brain health, reduce diabetes type 2, and support overall body health. The next nutrient contained in kale is calcium. Although not comparable as a whole, but kale also contains more calcium than milk. This will be good news for people who wants to meet daily needs of calcium but have milk allergy.

Kale is a low calories vegetable, high in fiber and contain no fat. Calories in one cup of kale contains only 36 calories, 5 grams of fiber and 0 grams of fat. With fiber content, kale is very good to help digestion and smooth bowel movement.

You should also note, that kale has a lot of iron. If calculated per calorie, kale has more iron than meat. Iron is very important for health, for example, for the formation of hemoglobin and enzymes, sends oxygen to the various parts of the body, regenerate cell-cell, helps liver function and much more.

What is also very important to know is, Kale contains a lot of Vitamin K. Eating a diet that is high in Vitamin K can help fight cancer. Vitamin K is also necessary for many body functions including bone health and prevent blood clots. In addition, increased vitamin K can also help people who suffer from Alzheimer's disease. However excess doses of vitamin K can also have a negative impact on some people. Patients who are taking anticoagulant drugs (freezing) should avoid kale, due to its content of vitamin K can interfere with drug action.

The other content of kale is lutein and zeaxanthin are very good that eye health is maintained. Along with antioxidants, as well as a fair amount of content in kale can lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Below you can read kale nutritional value based on USDA Nutrient database.
Kale nutritional value (screenshot taken from wikipedia)

4 health benefits of kale

Help during pregnancy
Rich in calcium and iron, kale is needed by women during pregnancy to increase milk production and fetal development. Folic acid (vitamin B9) it also plays an important role for the nervous system of the baby.

Preventing breast cancer
Kale has breast cancer ward properties by controlling estrogen in the body. Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory (inflammation) work together to get rid of various cancers.

Good for skin
Not only cure for the disease, kale also has good properties keep skin beauty. Green leaves, antioxidants, iron, vitamin C, and E, which encourages the production of collagen preventing wrinkles.

Lose weight
Chewing raw kaleleaves same as burn 34 calories. As much as 1.3 grams of fiber on a piece of kale able to meet the needs of fiber that keeps you full longer and expedite metabolism.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Untold Benefits of Honey For Health, Nutrition Facts & Calories Content

In addition to health benefits of honey, there are some benefits that you might never know before. Modern scientific evidence proving many nutrients and benefits of honey. Honey contains a variety of nutritional components that are beneficial to human health. Namely carbohydrates, amino acids, minerals, enzymes, vitamins, water, and other organic substances. Greek philosopher and writer, Athenaeus, stating that anyone who consume honey every day will be free of the disease for life. He's not making it up, because it is contained in honey miscellaneous unique and potential nutrition for maintaining health and beauty.
Do you know how many calories in 1 tbsp of honey? According to USDA National Nutrient database, calories in every 1 tbsp of honey contain 64 calories or equal to 267 kJ.
Honey contains most of the carbohydrate in the form of sugars glucose and fructose, which are clearly different from the sugar in granulated sugar or palm sugar is mostly sucrose sugar. Sugars in honey can be directly absorbed blood, whereas sucrose must go through the digestive process. Caloric value of honey is very large 3,280 cal / kg, equivalent to 50 chicken eggs calories, 5.7 liters of milk.


Honey Nutrition Facts

Honey is rich in essential minerals (K, Ca, Fe, I, Na, S, Cl, P, Mn, Mg) that the body needs to stay fit, fatty acids vitamin B complex (except B1), D, E and K as well as various enzymes. Mineral salt content of honey is similar to the mineral salt content in human blood. Fe iron can increase the number of erythrocytes and increase blood hemoglobin levels.

Acetyl choline metabolism in honey may launched as improving blood circulation and lowers blood pressure. There are different types of enzymes such as diastase, invertase, catalase, peroxidase, and lipase which helps the digestive process thus accelerate metabolism. A number of amino acids such as malic acid, tartaric, citric, lactic, also play a role in metabolism. Honey also contains biogenic stimulant which served to increase freshness.

Honey also contains biose or growth regulating substances that speed up the growth of roots, shoots, and disposal at the plant, in addition to antibacterial agents, which can help speed up the recovery of injured tissue and prevent infection.

Vitamin B2 and B6 which plays a role in protein metabolism and preventing skin diseases. There is also a B3 (pantothenic acid) and H (biotin) that play a role in the metabolism of fat and protein and inhibits skin diseases such as eczema and herpes. Honey contains anti-bacterial and is higrokopis (attracts water from the environment), so it can be used as a cure wounds from infections and wounds that are wet will dry faster. Antibacterial substances contained in honey is hydrogen peroxide, and also the role of flavonoids (especially caffeat acid, ferulic acid).

Honey contains vitamin C that works as an antioxidant that may prevent wrinkles and premature aging. The darker color of honey, has a greater content of antioxidants (phenolic compounds). Antibacterial substances in honey can cure acne. Feroksida hydrogen is also very effective for cleansing the skin. Peroxidase enzymes perform oxidative metabolism of peroxide which is a metabolic waste, which may accelerate aging. In addition to nourish the skin, honey as a natural skin moisturizer and play a role in hair care. This proven, honey has been used in skin and hair care products.

Some organic acids in honey (acetic acid, butyric, formic, succinic, glokolat, malate, citrate, pyruvate) are also useful for gonadotropin hormone reproductive fertility, as well as a variety of other important compounds that are very useful for our health. For a more complete description of the honey nutrition, please read the following table are based on the USDA National Nutrient Database.

Benefits of honey for health

There are so many benefits of honey for health. Although fairly high sugar content of honey, honey is still favored by many people because the properties are very good for our health. Honey is one of the oldest natural sweetener used since the time of the ancestors. The process of forming long enough honey. Begins when bees swallow nectar, digest, and regurgitate nectar and honey formed. Nectar is comprised of nearly 600 compounds containing various essential minerals. Here are some health benefits of honey

Prevent Cancer and Heart Attacks
Flavonoids contained in the honey, which is one type of antioxidant compounds that help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Prevent Indigestion
A recent study showed that the benefits of honey can help reduce the disturbance of digestion and bowel obstruction because honey contains fiber.

Lowers blood glucose and cholesterol
Though sweeter than sugar, honey has a low glycemic index because it is absorbed into the bloodstream gradually. For those who have diabetes should reduce the high glycemic index foods, as it will encourage the blood glucose spike. Honey is the safest alternative sweetener than sugar or artificial sugar. Some studies even suspect honey can lower blood glucose. Natural minerals and vitamins in honey also help lower levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) in the body.

Honey benefits for improving energy
Honey can be used to increase energy. Many athletes consumed honey to boost their stamina. As a natural energy booster, honey can lose weight. Honey being a good source of carbohydrates to help get energy. Honey is also a good source of iron, potassium, and calcium are efficacious strengthen bones and muscles.

Honey to cure colds and sore throats
Infections due to viruses, bacteria, or fungi can cause disease in the body. Honey has a function as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-virus. Therefore, honey can be used as a natural remedy to cure the flu, colds, and sore throat. One of the best ways to get the benefits by drinking chamomile tea is added with a tablespoon of honey.

Anti-bacterial and Anti Fungus
All honey has antibacterial, because the bees add an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide. This compound is able to be anti-bacterial and fungal.

Maintain the health of pregnant women and strengthen fetus
Honey helps maintain stamina and infant health during pregnancy, and helps high nutrition for healthy growth of the fetus during pregnancy. Honey also good to maintain fetus health.

Maintain the health of older people
Honey is the best food that is necessary for the elderly, because honey is a source of energy and nutrients that can be absorbed directly by the body, which at that age our digestive organs have decreased function.

Benefits of honey for beauty or skin

Above are only a little health benefits of honey, because if we write it all, maybe this post will be too long. Honey also has benefits for beauty, because honey contains about 0.22 mg of vitamin C which is good for skin health. Honey can provide anti-aging effect on the skin. Honey can also reduce wrinkles and make your skin smooth and soft. Anti-bacteria found in honey is very useful for the skin, mixed with other ingredients, benefits of honey can moisturize and remove dead skin cells.

Honey can also be used as a natural remedy for acne. Many are using honey as the main ingredient to make a face mask for anti-aging effects contained in the honey.


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